Chapter 1159 Transformation 3
Lan Ling's old but gentle voice was like a bright light, allowing those who lost their way to find their way. All of a sudden everyone squatted down, looking for shelter.

Nalan Yue: "..."

What is this ghost?


The corners of Nalan Yue's mouth twitched a few times, she temporarily put Wei Ning and the mysterious woman aside in her mind, and looked at the little witches in front of them who were naked, she took the initiative to take out a pile of clothes from the space bracelet.

"Put it on." Nalan Yue directly flew the clothes into everyone's hands, with a playful look in his eyes, "They are all women, don't tell me that you will be shy when you wear clothes in public."

Perhaps it was because of Nalan Yue's cold teasing that the little witches, who were originally nervous and shy at the same time, gradually relaxed. After all, everyone is a woman, so there is nothing to be embarrassed about.

So, with this idea in mind, a little witch finally started to wear clothes. As the saying goes, if there is one, there must be a second, and a third...

After a while, everyone got dressed and even started discussing each other's figures.

"Suddenly turned into a giant..."

"That's because you're used to being short..."

"Wow, did you find out! The surrounding houses are so short and miniature, is this really where we have been living before?"

"..." Listening to their conversation, Nalan Yue faintly drew a few black lines on his forehead.

After tidying up her clothes, Lan Ling half-kneeled in front of her, "Thank you, young lord, may I ask what your plan is next?"

"Plan?" Nalan Yue glanced at her with lowered eyebrows, said these two words in her mouth, thought for a while and then replied casually, "No plan."

"Uh..." For a while, Lan Ling didn't know how to answer, so he could only say, "Young master, are you leaving the witch clan?"

"Nonsense." Nalan Yue was almost speechless, squinting her eyes and looking at her, "There is still a grade skipping exam in the college, do you think I should leave here!"

"Young Master, what I mean by this subordinate is that the Witch Clan no longer has a place to live. If we rebuild the house, it will cost money and harm the people. Therefore, can you please find a place..." Lan Ling's eyes were erratic, His head was almost buried on the ground, and he hesitated more and more, until finally he couldn't speak at all.

Now Nalan Yue can be regarded as hearing the voice of her words. To put it bluntly, Lan Ling is worried that she will run away, regardless of the priestess clan, and those words about rebuilding the house are too grandiose.

She doesn't believe that the witch clan can lack that much money?

Nalan Yue looked at Lan Ling dumbfounded, "If you want to come with me, just tell me, there's no need to go around the corner."

Lan Ling immediately lowered her head in shame. After being exposed by Nalan Yue, she couldn't help but blush, "Young Master Bingxue is smart."

"It's obvious that the reason you made up is too bad. How can the Miko clan be so poor that they can't even build a few houses?" After all, they are also a race left over from ancient times, how could they be so poor.


Nalanyue didn't want to listen to Lan Ling's explanation, so she waved her hand and said, "Okay, I will send someone to pick you up to the Shura Palace later, and when you get there, someone will arrange for you, and I will continue to do the level-jumping task .”

Now that the mainland is in turmoil, the only thing she can do is to accumulate power for the Shura Palace, in case of a real war, the Shura Palace will be submerged in the long river of history.

"Thank you, young master." Lan Ling responded immediately, with a look of joy on his brows.Of course she was afraid that the young lord would abandon the priestess clan, and the young master was not happy with this status at first, but the priestess clan can only restore its former prosperity if it is by her side.

 Cough... Wei Ning's master is "Yun Yan", and all the previous mistakes were typed as "Ru Yan"... Can you refresh it, please.

(End of this chapter)

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