Chapter 1161: Breaking into the Palace at Night 1
14 years ago, Princess Qianli was three years old. At that time, her biological mother, the queen, was pregnant again, but it was extremely hot, and the emperor took her to the summer resort in order to let the queen feel at ease to raise her baby.

Princess Qianli is still young and cannot be separated from her mother, and the emperor spoils the little princess so much that he took her to the summer resort together.

Therefore, the emperor cooperated with the queen and Princess Qianli's family to go to the summer resort.

Perhaps it was because the journey was too tiring, the queen gave birth prematurely as soon as she arrived at the summer resort, and gave birth to a little prince, Qianli's younger brother with the same father and mother.

But the good times didn't last long, the news that the queen gave birth to the little prince was leaked, followed by countless people chasing and killing.

Facing the pursuit of people from all walks of life, the emperor decided to take the queen, the little prince and the princess back to the palace immediately, but just the night before leaving, another wave of killers came to the summer resort.

The order they received was to kill the little prince, but by accident, they actually took Princess Qianli away. Since then, there has been no news of Princess Qianli, and everyone said she was dead.

After listening to the whole story, Nalan Yue was inexplicably speechless, "Can you tell me, can't these killers tell the difference between a three-year-old child and a newborn child?" ?
Murong Qing'er sighed deeply, and said, "My dear boss, do you think the royal family can announce the truth? This is nothing but a lie they have announced to the world. In fact, the emperor has deliberately wanted to reveal the truth since Princess Qianli was born. Pass the throne to the little princess..."

"So those killers are actually trying to kill Chiriko?"

"That's right, the emperor of our Chu Kingdom is patriarchal. He loves Princess Qianli in every possible way, and intends to make her a queen!" Murong Qing'er lay down on the table depressed, rolling her eyes, " They just killed the little princess in the name of killing the little prince, so as to confuse people's eyes... Hey, routines, Nima is full of routines!!"


"Then Lizi and Meng Luo are still in the palace?" Nalan Yue asked again.

Murong Qing'er nodded, "Yeah, I'm getting married. By the way, I'll tell you something interesting...haha!"

Before saying anything, Murong Qing'er burst out laughing.

The corner of Nalan Yue's mouth twitched again, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"It's just..." Murong Qing'er was still laughing non-stop, she was about to burst into tears, and finally managed to utter a complete sentence, "Do you remember Beihuangge, Boss?"

"What did you say?" How could she not remember when she was alone!

"Let me tell you quietly, she is Lizi's younger brother with the same father and mother... Haha... It clearly looks like this Beihuangge is older than Lizi, but now he wants to call Lizi her sister!" Murong Qing'er almost didn't laugh , this is simply too much fun.

God knows that when Beihuangge found out that Lizi's little girl was her sister, alas, that handsome face was as black as the bottom of a pot!

"..." Is it that funny!
Nalan Yue stared at her silently for three seconds, and waited for her to stop smiling before saying, "Smile slowly, I'll go to Lin Guo to threaten their emperor with a truce!"

Now that the emperor of Chu has been dealt with, and Lizi has also found her biological parents, there is no point for them to stay here any longer. It is better to go to the last country for a walk.

"Wait, Boss, I'll be with you!" Seeing that she was about to leave, Murong Qing'er immediately jumped up from the dining table and followed.

(End of this chapter)

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