Chapter 1164: Breaking into the Palace at Night 4
"Boss, what are we going to do next?" Murong Qing'er looked at the closed door, her slender Danfeng eyes were shining with a stubborn light.

Nalan Yue didn't answer her words, but instead took out an extremely sharp small dagger from her cuff and held it in her palm.

Murong Qing'er's eyes widened all of a sudden, her gaze was locked on the dagger, and she said in surprise, "Boss, didn't you say you won't kill people?"

"Can't I scare him?" Nalan Yue touched a small dagger, squinted, and looked at Murong Qing'er with an expression of "you're an idiot".

"..." When Murong Qing'er heard this sentence, her eyes widened a bit wider than before. She seemed to have thought of something, and she was completely shocked, "Boss, boss, you should, shouldn't you... ..."

"It's probably what you think." Nalan Yue took a step forward with a smile, and pinched her mouth that couldn't close because of surprise.

Then, she pushed the door open and walked in without any concealment.

Murong Qing'er froze in place, seeing her movements unexpectedly, she immediately exclaimed, "Boss, do you really want to use such a cruel method?"


One word is enough to express Nalan Yue's determination.

Murong Qing'er twitched the corners of her mouth stiffly, and said in a low voice, "Old Emperor Lin Guo, please ask for blessings... Hey, Boss, wait for me!"

As she said that, she followed in.

This time Nalan Yue did not use the invisibility technique, but walked into the emperor's bedroom openly and grandly.

The sound of the door opening and closing naturally disturbed the emperor who was about to go to bed with his concubine Ai. He suddenly saw two men in black barging in. Concubine Li Gui, who was next to the emperor, was the first to scream.

"Qing'er." Before she cried out, Nalan Yue had already given Murong Qing'er a look, "Tell her to shut up!"

After Murong Qing'er made an "ok" gesture, she flashed in front of the woman like a ghost, and touched her dumb acupoint, so that she could only look but not speak.

"Bold..." The emperor finally came back to his senses, and when he saw his concubine being threatened, he immediately burst into anger, but just as he uttered two words, Nalan Yue grabbed his neck.

"Shut up!" Nalan Yue gave him a cold look, "If you attract someone, I will make your death ugly..."

Unexpectedly, as soon as Nalan Yue landed the last word, there was a sound of messy footsteps outside, it sounded like someone came in a hurry.

"Boss!" Murong Qing'er also heard that someone was there, her face became tense, and she motioned for Nalan Yue to give the next step.

Nalan Yue threw her a calm look, then stared at the emperor who was caught in her hands, and threatened, "I hope you can understand what to say and what not to say later! "

"How dare you threaten me!" The emperor stared at her in disbelief, looking at her viciously.

"I not only dare to threaten you, but also dare to kill... you!" Nalan Yue uttered the last two words extremely slowly, but completely cold and chilling. It seemed that if he said one wrong word, she would really kill him!

Under such brutal threats, even the emperor had to bow his noble head.

The eunuch's voice sounded like a male duck, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

There was a burst of knocking on the door "rumbling", falling on the emperor's ears like a talisman, making his heart skip a beat, for fear that those people outside would come in suddenly, and then this strong man would finish him off.

Immediately, the emperor swallowed his saliva, pretended nothing happened and shouted loudly, "What are you shouting, spring |

(End of this chapter)

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