Chapter 1166 Warcraft are at full level 2
"Swear." Nalan Yue pulled the small dagger away and looked at him coldly, but the hand that was holding his neck did not move at all.

Therefore, the emperor began to swear under such a situation.

After he finished speaking, a golden pentagonal circle of light immediately fell on the soles of his feet, which indicated that the oath had come into force. If he violated his oath, he would be punished by destroying the country.

"Very good!" When the halo dissipated, Nalan Yue spoke indifferently with her thin lips covered under the veil, but the hand holding the old emperor's neck did not let go, her brows were furrowed, as if she had discovered something.

"What... what's wrong?" The old emperor asked weakly with his eyes puffed up, for fear of offending the man in black again.

Nalan Yue didn't even look at him, let alone answer him. Instead, she raised a shimmering crystal token from her cuff.

"Boss?" Murong Qing'er stared at the crystal token, and immediately thought of a possibility, her eyes widened, "Could it be that the fourth crystal token is here?"

"No, it has to be here." Otherwise, it is impossible for the crystal token to have such a big reaction for no reason.

"I'll go, Boss, you're so lucky!!" Murong Qing'er was so shocked that she didn't want to speak anymore. She also came from the first grade, and she didn't know how difficult it was to get the crystal token for the grade-jumping exam. But now, with five tokens, four will be gathered soon...

"What are you talking about?" The Emperor Lin, who was still being held hostage by Nalan Yue, looked confused, "I have already sworn, why don't you let me go!"

"Shut up, Quack!" Nalan Yue cast a cold glance at him, and gave Qing'er a look, Qing'er immediately understood, and took the old emperor from her hand.

"Warning you to be honest, otherwise I don't have eyes for knives!" Murong Qing'er directly put the knife on his neck, threatening secretly.

At this time, Nalan Yue was holding the crystal token to sense everywhere in the house, and finally only under the dragon bed, the third crystal token in his hand reacted the most strongly.

So, Nalan Yue squatted down and glanced under the golden dragon bed, east, west, northwest, front, back, left, and right, and finally Nalan Yue saw the fourth crystal token in a corner.

Nalan Yue narrowed her eyes and raised her hand. The crystal token that was lying in the corner seemed to be attracted by a strong magnetic field, and flew from under the bed to Nalan Yue's hand with a "slip".

Nalan Yue blew on the dust that fell from above, and stuffed it into the space.

As soon as the kidnapped emperor saw someone taking his things, he immediately growled, "Bold thief, don't tell me if you threaten me, and dare to steal my things now!"

"You are sick, go and treat it!" Nalan Yue's cold eyes made the old emperor feel cold all the time, and he didn't dare to speak immediately.

Nalan Yue walked over, secretly exchanged a look with Murong Qing'er, Murong Qing'er nodded immediately.

Immediately afterwards, she pushed the old emperor away with a palm, and then flashed to Nalan Yue's side with lightning speed.

Nalan Yue immediately grabbed her hand and disappeared into Nuo Da's bedroom!

Before Emperor Lin could react, he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and when he looked closely again, there were nowhere to be seen the figures of the two men in black.

hateful!Damn it! !
"Come here... Come here... Hurry up... You bastard slaves..." Seeing the people running away, the old emperor was full of aggrieved, he ignored Li Guifei next to him, and opened the room. The door roared angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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