Chapter 1176 Written Exam for Skip Grade Exam 2
Nalan Yue thought about it carefully, and a sneer appeared on the corner of her lips. She raised her eyes, looked at the boundless world, and shouted loudly, "Coward, if you have the ability, get out and fight for the top and bottom, you shrink your head like a turtle!"

She thought that since the man wanted to play tricks on her, he must be nearby.

It's a pity, but no one responded to her, and the surrounding silence was only the sound of rubbing between the leaves, as if there was no sound of wind.

Nalan Yue was not annoyed, she turned around and left here, that person just wanted to see herself make a fool of herself, so she "made a fool of herself" for him.

Now the four tokens in his hand are still flickering, it seems that someone is moving with the crystal token, most likely to lead her to a certain place.

Nalan Yue simply followed suit.

Until she came to Tianbian Cliff, the third of the top ten dangerous places in the mainland, the four crystal tokens in her hand "swipe!" lit up.

Nalan Yue raised her lowered eyelids all of a sudden, her eyes looked vigilantly around like a cheetah about to prey.

She walked forward extremely slowly, her beautiful eyes did not relax at all, her voice condensed like a piece of ice that would not melt for a thousand years, "Come out!"

In the empty valley, her voice echoed endlessly. In front of her, the sky cliff lay in midair, as if she could touch the beautiful and lingering sunset in the sky just by raising her hand.

This is also the origin of the name of Tianbian Cliff. Standing here will give you an illusion of walking to the horizon.

In the evening, when the cool evening wind blows, the trees are still and the clouds are still, a black shadow quickly crosses the sky, and after three times, it stands on the top of the sky cliff. The black robe is like an ink cloud on a cloudy day, hunting animals on the edge of the cliff Feng, secretly domineering, the sullen and angry black eyes on the handsome face are staring at her, as if they wish to tear her apart.

Nalan Yue looked at the man, and was immediately stunned, with a surge of astonishment in her heart.

She originally thought of taking away the crystal token, and the person who intentionally tricked her must be her enemy, for example, Wei Ning, or the mysterious woman beside Wei Ning...

But the last big boss turned out to be the domain owner!
Hehe, not long ago she turned her grandfather into a fool with her own hands, Nalan Yue's fingers subconsciously tightened, the nails were now in the soft flesh, but now she didn't feel any pain, only the surging waves hatred.

This hatred wrapped Nalan Yue's heart like a vine, making her suffer and helpless, after all, where the strength of the domain master lies...

The domain owner looked at her changing expression, the thick long road in his hand was deeply inserted into the ground by him, causing a rumbling sound like thunder.

The edge of the sky was shaking, as if it would collapse in the next second.

He raised his lips and squeezed out an extremely cruel and merciless smile, "Are you satisfied with the gift I gave you?"

What he meant was that he made the old man foolish!


Oh, what a great gift!

Nalan Yue's heart skipped a few times, she bit the tip of her tongue tightly, not letting herself show any strangeness, even though she hated her to death right now.

"Sooner or later, I will give you a gift in return!" She bit the word "return gift" very hard, wishing to crush it.

The domain master immediately laughed loudly, ridiculed, and his eyes and brows were full of sarcasm and sarcasm, "It's up to you? You can't control yourself!"

When he said "overreaching one's own strength", there was a ruthlessness in his eyes, he stretched out his long arms, and grabbed Nalan Yue violently, cruelly, like an eagle hunting.

(End of this chapter)

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