Chapter 1179 Written Exam for Skip Grade Exam 5
Nalan Yue hurried back to Qinglong Academy in order to skip to the third grade and then go to the border.

After Nalan Yue returned to Qinglong Academy, after greeting Murong Qing'er a few times, she went to her master's courtyard.

Because Principal Nanfeng went to the border, so many things in the college now fall on Ye Wuzun, even the skipping competition is no exception!
It's just that when she really got outside Ye Wuzun's courtyard, Nalan Yue immediately felt that her legs were filled with lead, they were extremely stiff, and her face was a little embarrassed. in front of you.

In the fight between her and Master back then, the master and apprentice almost broke up...

But afterward, Master came to rescue them in time when they had destroyed the realm. Does this mean that Master no longer cared about her fault?

It must be so!

Nalan Yue took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly, comforting herself, it has been such a long time, besides, Master is not a stingy person.

I have to say that self-comfort is really powerful, and Nalan Yue's retreating heart suddenly became courageous again.

She pushed open the low fence gate of the courtyard, and walked in with a shallow breath. When she reached the gate of the inner courtyard, she nodded slightly to the servant boy next to her, "Is Master here?"

The servant boy also nodded to her, and made a "please" gesture, "My lord is here, I will let you go in directly if I say you are here."

Nalan Yue's expression was slightly stagnant, did Master know that she would come today?
"Please." Seeing her frozen in place, the little servant boy couldn't help making a "please" gesture again.

Nalan Yue came back to her senses, went up the steps, opened the door and entered, a pleasant smell of paper and ink came to her face, she looked up, and saw the master writing with a brush.

Seeing someone coming, he didn't seem to notice, the brush and his eyes never left the rice paper on the table for a moment.

Nalan Yue looked at him quietly, the man in front of him was dressed in white clothes, his silver hair exuded a layer of jade-like luster, his eyebrows were long, his eyes were clear, his nose was straight, and his lips were thin. From a distance, he looked like an exiled fairy walking out of a painting, holy inviolable.

With his waving movements, some naughty strands of silver hair inadvertently fell on some ink, and slightly scratched Shengxue's white robe. Nalan Yue wanted to remind her but seeing his indifferent expression, she swallowed her voice forcefully. .

Standing aside, waiting quietly, neither making noise nor making trouble, his eyes drooping slightly, and his long eyelashes cast a dark blue shadow on his face.

I don't know how long it has passed, but Nalan Yue's legs are numb when standing still, Master hasn't finished writing yet?

She raised her head subconsciously, and saw that Master was writing the last word on the thin paper. Immediately afterwards, she put down the brush and put the rice paper aside to dry.

After everything was done, he set his eyes on Nalan Yue's face, there was no emotion in his eyes, and he didn't even speak.

Nalan Yue's eyes happened to collide with her, but she quickly pulled away in just a second, lowered her head, and said, "Master, I have found all the crystal tokens, then..."

"Have you finished reading all the third grade books?" Ye Wuzun interrupted her lightly.

Nalan Yue nodded, "I've finished reading it." When she left Qinglong Academy, she borrowed a lot of third-grade books, looked for crystal tokens during the day, and read books when she was free at night.

"Tomorrow, I will arrange your written test for the teacher. After the written test, you will enter the Linglong Tower with the second-year candidates for the final test." Ye Wuzun's voice was calm, and his eyes fell on her face lightly.

"Oh, good." Nalan Yue nodded hastily, but stared at Master, seeing Master's current indifferent attitude, it seems that he has selectively forgotten what happened that day.

(End of this chapter)

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