Chapter 1183 Monster 1
Feng Chu lowered his head depressedly, extinguished the burning flame in his palm, and hummed twice, "You're not afraid of attracting monsters..."



In the cave, there were really strange animal calls, which could be heard endlessly, and the cave trembled faintly due to the loudness.

Nalan Yue: "..."

Murong Qing'er: "..."

Seeing both of them staring at him with condemning eyes, Feng Chu quickly waved his hands, his face full of sorrow like a young daughter-in-law, "I really just said it casually..."

"Shut up, then! You really want to attract the guy inside!" Murong Qing'er immediately threw several knives at him.

Feng Chu shut her mouth resentfully.

Boom... The Lun family is really innocent!
Except for a low growl at the beginning, the monsters in the cave didn't move, and the surroundings became quiet again, as if those roars before were just their illusions.

But Nalan Yue and the others did not let down their vigilance because of this, and continued to advance along the dark red path to the interior of the cave, but after walking a few steps, the guys inside seemed to sense someone invading again, and growled again.

Following this low roar, the cave they were in began to tremble violently, and many stones fell from the cave wall above their heads.

Even the cave began to tilt, shaking back and forth, Nalan Yue and the others seemed to be on a roller coaster, unable to stand steadily.

The most unbelievable thing is that the dark red ground under their feet can stretch and roll freely, just... like a tongue...

"Fuck! What the hell is this shit??" Feng Chu couldn't believe his eyes.

Murong Qing'er was also dazed with capital letters!

Only Nalanyue's expression was condensed, and there was a trace of anxiety in his eyes. He grabbed one with both hands and grabbed the two of them, "Why are you in a daze, run quickly, I didn't see that we were on other people's tongues!"

Tongue... tongue... tongue? ?

Feng Chu and Murong Qing'er could hardly believe their ears, until there was a shadow covering them, they raised their heads subconsciously, only to see fangs as thick as an adult's arm above their heads, eerie and emitting a foul smell.

"My day!!!" Murong Qing'er yelled, without Nalan Yue dragging her, she rushed forward immediately.

They obviously fell into the canyon and entered the cave, but why did the cave turn into a giant's mouth in the blink of an eye?And they actually took the initiative to send it to the giant's mouth. Isn't this rushing to feed it!

But now is not the time to complain!
The pace of the few of them was very fast, but they couldn't keep their mouths shut.

So, Nalan Yue and the others just stared at the entrance of the cave, oh no, the little light at its mouth disappeared, and finally it was dark again.

The Ye Mingzhu that Murong Qing'er was holding earlier had rolled away to nowhere, the darkness was like an invisible hand, tightly grasping everyone's frightened hearts.

"Don't panic!" At this moment, Nalan Yue's voice was as calm as water, which made people feel extremely at ease.

Several people held hands as if they had found a backbone, and another night pearl flew out from Nalan Yue's space, and there was light again, and several people couldn't help but let out a long breath.

They are still in the monster's mouth, their feet are on his tongue, and the sharp and thick fangs are tightly closed not far away, as if they are indestructible.

And Nalan Yue and the others are like dwarves locked in their mouths, as small as grains of sand.

I don't know what kind of monster it is. Just one mouth can be so huge, let alone other places.

(End of this chapter)

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