1191 Battle 1
Everyone nodded and started fighting.

Nalan Yue went up the road alone, Murong Qing'er and Feng Chu ran in the middle, and finally Wang Yi and Lu Er went down the road.

On the other side, there is already an opponent ready to move.

They were classmates before, but now here they are out-and-out enemies, opponents!
No one will show mercy!

Nalan Yue walked forward quickly with a half-human-high bow and arrow on her back, with an indifferent face, bypassing our defense tower and coming to the enemy's defense tower.

Followed by a group of low soldiers, holding swords and the like, they are crystal output super soldiers, they are the blue side and the opposite is the red side.

Once the defense tower is close to the place, it will be attacked from the defense tower, so Nalan Yue did not go any further, and stopped at the same place, waiting for the super soldiers behind him.

Super soldiers can spontaneously attack the enemy or attack the local defense tower, and the reason for waiting for them is because they will not dodge the attack on the defense tower, and they have a lot of blood. With them, the defense tower will not attack her again .

Seeing that our super soldiers had entered the defense tower, Nalan Yue immediately used his aura to draw the longbow, and charged at the defense tower.

And the attack of the defense tower has been hitting the super soldiers in front of her. There are a total of five super soldiers, and now three are dead, and the tower defense in front of her still has normal health.

The battle has already begun, but the opponent's people are almost all in the middle, so there is no one on the top lane now, giving Nalan Yue a great opportunity to steal the tower.

"Destroy the enemy's defense tower first—" the system's cold voice suddenly appeared.

The defense tower in front of her immediately collapsed in front of her eyes. Nalan Yue held her bow and arrow, and breathed lightly. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of Murong Qing'er in the middle road being besieged. She immediately dragged her longbow to the middle road.

But suddenly a person emerged from the side bushes, holding a long sword, and slashed at her fiercely!

Nalan Yue narrowed her eyes slightly, and quickly backed away. She was a shooter, good at long-range attacks, and once hit by the opponent's swordsman, it would be difficult to escape.

So, she subconsciously ran back, hiding behind a dark gray stone, quickly pulled up her longbow, and shot at him with golden sword feathers one by one.

"Damn it!!" After the man was hit, his speed immediately slowed down.

Nalan Yue hooked the corner of her lower lip, pulled the longbow again and fired it fiercely.

Lose 100 drops of blood...

minus 300...


That man was almost suffocated to death, he was a swordsman, as long as he got close to Nalan Yue, a shooter, he could kill him in a few hits, but now Nalan Yue had no chance at all.

She moved nimbly, stepping on the treetops, shooting high-altitude, lying on her stomach, and then when he was about to escape, she kept chasing him and shooting... Oh my god, that's so cheap!
It's just hanging and beating people.

"Jing Ke, the red party, died in battle, waiting for his resurrection..." The death here is of course a suspended animation, and the resurrection needs time to wait.

As soon as the sound of the system fell, there was a booming sound from below.

"I'll go, it's fine if the tower was stolen, but this damn man was beaten to death!"

"How stupid are we? We are all concentrated in the middle lane. Does this give people a chance to steal towers without knowing it!"

"Quick, after killing Murong Qing'er, let's go separately!"

As the saying goes, eating a pad grows a wisdom, and now almost everyone understands the rules and significance of the game.

Seeing those people attacking Murong Qing'er in a swarm, Nalan Yue immediately flew over, her robe lifted in mid-air, drawing a stunning arc.

(End of this chapter)

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