1194 Battle 4
But Nalan Yue didn't follow them back, instead she dodged to the right and directly entered the enemy's crystal, because our super soldiers had already arrived.

So, Murong Qing'er and Feng Chu held off the enemy, while Nalan Yue stole the tower there.

Crystals are harder to fight and have more health.

Nalan Yue took the longbow and shot at it, without stopping for a moment, dripping with sweat.

The life value of the crystal has obviously decreased...

From ten thousand to nine thousand...

And from nine thousand to seven thousand five...

"Damn, steal our crystal, hurry back and beat her up!"

"It's over, I'm going to lose..."

"If you want to go back, pass the test of my old lady first!" Murong Qing'er roared, throwing a bunch of pink darts one after another.

Immediately, the HP and speed of the attacked person decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Wang Yi, Lu Er, hurry up and help the boss destroy the crystal!" Murong Qing'er could see that Nalan Yue was struggling to fight alone, so he immediately asked them to go over to assist.

Wang Yi and Lu Er nodded quickly, but unfortunately they were instantly killed before they got close to the crystal.

"Trash!!" Murong Qing'er couldn't help shouting up to the sky, so why can't he dodge a little bit, there is no one with such a pig teammate!

Now, Nalan Yue attacked the tower by herself, it was very laborious, and her HP was low, at this moment, the enemy flashed to face her alone, stabbing at her with a long sword.

In an instant, the life value fell to the bottom.

But Nalan Yue not only didn't counterattack, he didn't even recover blood, the golden longbow in his hand was only pointed at the red crystal in front of him, and he didn't stop for a while, the speed of drawing the bow was so fast that people felt dizzy.

Seeing that Nalan Yue only knew how to hit crystals, the enemy couldn't help but sneered, "Don't guess, you were the first..." Die!

He was about to say the last word "death", but found that he couldn't say anything, only a deafening sound sounded in his ears, as if something had collapsed and broken.

He immediately realized that the crystal had been destroyed, and his eyes were full of unbelievable doubts. When he looked at Nalan Yue, he found that the HP on her head was only "[-]"!
Damn, that means she destroyed their crystal with the last drop of blood?

Enough is enough...

The huge red crystal exploded in an instant and shattered all over the ground. At this time, the scene seemed to stop. Everyone was unable to move, only the sound could be heard.

"Destroy the enemy's crystal, No. 20 group wins..." The system's cold voice seemed to surround everyone's ears in [-] degrees.


Murong Qing'er and the others immediately burst into laughter, and Nalan Yue also slightly curled up her lips.

A burst of white light suddenly appeared in front of them, and in the blink of an eye, they had returned to the previous place.

Not only them, many people from before were teleported back, and their clothes changed back to their previous appearance. If it weren't for the scores displayed on the big screen at this time, they almost thought it was just a dream they had just had!

The system's calm machine voice sounded again, "Start counting..."

Count points?

As soon as everyone heard this, they immediately stared at the big screen. There was no sound at this time, only the sound of calculations from the big screen system.

Ding - ding - ding -

The names of each student were registered in the system, and the system also knew whether it was intentional or not. He started to reveal from the last one to the top.

 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival~~~~~~! !
(End of this chapter)

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