Chapter 1198 Mysterious Kit 4
When Nalan Yue took people away so presumptuously, the crowd immediately exploded.

"I'm going, she actually snatched a man from the queen..."

"It's crazy, let's see if Her Majesty the Queen doesn't torture her to death!"

However, what surprised everyone even more was that she also rushed towards the carriage with a sharp dagger, trying to assassinate their Majesty the Queen.

"Empress—be careful!!"

"Be careful……"

"Escort, hurry up—be careful, Your Majesty the Empress!!"

The crowd immediately rushed towards the carriage like a flood.

However, there was a shadow that was faster than them, and with a "crash", the originally luxurious carriage burst open like a popping ball.

The queen rushed out of the carriage suddenly, her face was ferocious, and the crown on the black hair fell to the ground. She let out a low growl from her throat, and rushed towards Nalan Yue.

Her fingers grew sharp nails at a speed visible to the naked eye, her hands, and her delicate face occasionally showed the face of a fox, and her wagging tail reopened from the skirt behind her.

The crowd gradually blurred like running water, and after a few screams, everything disappeared, only Nalan Yue and the fox demon were still standing in place, in a fighting posture!

Fox demon: "Chun Meng, a bad old lady, court death!"

Nalan Yue: "..."

This turned out to be Chun, Chun, Chun|Meng!
Nalan Yue really wanted to hit the wall.

The fox demon attacked first, and Nalan Yue immediately defended and attacked, kicking her head with a hooked leg, and the small dagger quickly inserted into its heart.


Within a few minutes, this fox demon with a little skill was killed by her.

System: Congratulations, start the second round of missions.

"How many rounds of missions are there?" Nalan Yue asked with a frown.

It's a pity that Tsundere's system won't answer her, so Nalan Yue was sent away again.

The second round of missions didn't involve any fighting or killing. On the contrary, this is a paradise, free and unrestrained, with Ye Jinde's company, Murong Qing'er's companions, and even Master...

Nalan Yue couldn't believe it, because this was the life she wanted in the future, she had been thinking... that after the mainland was peaceful, she would find a paradise and live a secluded life.

But now all of this unexpectedly appeared in front of his eyes.

"Boss, why are you in a daze, hurry up and grill the fish, Feng Chu Yejin and the others caught it from the river just now..." Murong Qing'er greeted her from the front.

"Okay." Nalan Yue replied, and walked a few steps forward. Inexplicably, she suddenly wanted to stay here forever and never leave!
will not leave! ?
Nalan Yue's head was awakened instantly by these words, no, all this is just an illusion from the bottom of her heart.

It's all fake... fake! !

Her footsteps froze in place and her expression stagnated. It took Nalan Yue a while to recover, her eyes were quickly covered by coldness, she turned around and walked out the door.

Seeing her leaving inexplicably behind, Murong Qing'er couldn't help shouting, "Boss? Boss? Where are you going? Is this fish still roasted..."

The cool wind blowing into Nalan Yue's body also relieved her tense nerves a bit.

She should have understood through the first mission that everything here is just an illusion, and behind each illusion there is a monster controlling everything.

Their purpose is nothing more than to trap her here and make her fail!

Yes, as long as Nalan Yue has the slightest thought of retreating or giving up during the task, the system will immediately announce her failure!

(End of this chapter)

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