Chapter 120

"Really?" Ye Jin's brows slightly stretched, and she knocked on her small forehead as if to blame, "Little idiot!"

Nalan Yue nodded and raised her chin, "You're stupid!"

Ye Jin's phoenix eyes were enchanting and beautiful, staring at her little movements, he was both angry and funny.

His long arms wrapped around her, holding her tightly in his arms.

Ye Jin was tall and tall, but Nalan Yue only reached his chin, looking small and exquisite.

Nalan Yue smelled the elegant peppermint fragrance on his body, and heard the sound of his powerful heartbeat, and couldn't help but palpitate!

A red cloud flew over her cheek, and she pushed him away forcefully, "You should go!"

"You see me off!" Ye Jinfeng, who was pushed away, looked at Nalanyue with grievances in her eyes.

Nalan Yue gave him a funny look, "You don't have long legs?"

Ye Jin pretended to be displeased, sat back on the chair with a soft snort, and leisurely picked up the teacup.

He raised his eyebrows and looked at Nalan Yue, he couldn't be more arrogant, "If Yue'er doesn't send me off, then the king can only condescend to rest here tonight."

"Okay, I'm afraid you won't do it! I'll give it to you, my little place can't tolerate you!" Nalan Yue gritted her teeth and glared at this childish-looking man!

If it was rumored that Lord Shura spent the night in her boudoir, even if nothing happened, she would be drowned in saliva!

Ye Jin raised her eyebrows so unhappy, her phoenix eyes became more and more enchanting, "That's good."

The corner of Nalan Yue's mouth twitched slightly, good girl!
Ye Jin stood up and pulled Nalan Yue out of the room with a smile on her face.

Walk through the flowery garden and walk up to the veranda covered with wisteria.

"By the way, when will the imperial city list be opened?"

Nalan Yue turned her head to the side and asked Ye Jin who was beside her, a mischievous wisteria fell lightly onto her hair that was vertically around her waist.

Ye Jin picked it up carefully, put it in her hand and played with it, and looked at her with phoenix eyes, "Half a month later."

Nalan Yue nodded, half a month is too short, she is only a six-star martial artist now!

The second condition for agreeing to Ye Jin was a bit... hanging!

Ye Jin held the wisteria flower in his hand, slightly raised the corners of his lips, and could see the woman's worry, "With this king here, Yue'er doesn't need to worry."

Nalan Yue shrugged, "Which one of your eyes looks at me, I'm worried."

"I saw both of them!" Ye Jin said ruffiantly.

Nalan Yue waved his hand boredly, ending this boring topic.

Suddenly, Nalan Yue inadvertently turned his face and caught sight of a servant who was looking around.

When the servant saw Nalan Yue saw him, he pretended to be inadvertent and ran away.

And that direction is her lotus garden!

Heck, Nalan Yue has a bad premonition, her sixth sense has always been very accurate!

Nalan Yue frowned and looked at Ye Jin, her tone tinged with anxiety, "I want to go back."

Lu'er is the only girl in my lotus garden, so it's too easy for that servant to do something!
Ye Jin obviously also saw the servant, and then looked at the anxiety of the woman in front of him, and immediately guessed what was going on.

It's nothing more than intrigue, he, the prince, has seen more salt than he has eaten.

"I'll go with you." Without waiting for Nalan Yue's answer, Ye Jin grabbed her by the waist and landed on the top of the tree neatly.

Standing tall, one can see far away, and sure enough, the servant was heading for her yard!

Nalan Yue frowned, clenched her fists, and a layer of frost condensed on her small face.

It's really easy to hide the open gun and hard to defend against the hidden arrow!Feel free to use any tricks, Nalan Yue has lived two lifetimes and has never been afraid of anything!
Seeing her frowning, Ye Jin felt a little distressed, and stretched out her fingertips to smooth her frowning.

What he said was domineering and arrogant, "This king will kill them all!"

Anyone who dares to make his Yue'er frown will die!
(End of this chapter)

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