Chapter 1212 He Came 2
Arriving at the peach forest area of ​​the college, Nalan Yue immediately picked up the painting in his hand, looked at the peach forest and then at the painting, trying to find the peach tree in the painting!

In Nuo Da's peach forest, Nalan Yue's figure kept shuttling, until out of the corner of his eyes, he glimpsed a leafy peach tree in the south, the petals were fluttering, and the ground was red.

Nalanyue narrowed her eyes slightly, and ran forward with big strides, the cool wind blew her black hair on her forehead, revealing her charming face, her eyes filled with hope, and she stopped under the tree with flying peach blossoms.

Between the hair and the shoulders, there are peach blossoms...

Nalan Yue stared at the tree carefully for a few times, and immediately determined that this was the peach tree in the painting.

But as for something special, she searched around the peach tree but couldn't find anything.

Nalan Yue was not in a hurry, she simply imitated herself in the painting, flew to sit on the treetop, and looked at the painting in her hand again.

The girl in the painting seems to be sniffing a coquettish peach blossom, but those eyes are not looking at the peach blossom in her hand, but on the ground instead...

As if there is some treasure on the ground, even if she holds such a beautiful bouquet of flowers, it can't attract her attention.

Nalan Yue frowned immediately, not letting go of any clues, and then looked along the ground, dragging her chin with her hand, muttering to herself, "Could it be at the bottom of the tree?"

After a moment of hesitation, Nalan Yue immediately jumped down from the treetop, her body was as light as a swallow, and she landed on the ground, startling a rain of peach blossoms.

The ground is covered by a layer of fallen leaves and falling red, but the ground above the painting is extremely clean. Could this be implying that there are things underground?

As Nalan Yue thought about it, she scanned the ground with perspective, and she really found something underneath after this scan.

Immediately, a look of joy appeared on Nalan Yue's face, and she knew that even if Master left, he would always leave some cards for her...

After digging through the ground, a metal box was lying quietly in the ground about two or three meters deep. Nalan Yue exhaled and immediately took it out.

He opened the box step by step, only to find that it was just a set of armor skirts worn by women.

The armor skirt is radiant, soft yet hard, and feels very good to the touch.


Nalan Yue immediately felt that she expected too much from her master.

Is this also a trump card?


Inside the box is not only the armor skirt but also a letter from Master——

"Yue'er, when you read this letter, Master has already left the mainland, and your task is to defend the mainland, to defend this continent that only belongs to you. In the end, Master quietly told you... the piece on the palm of your left hand In the words, your original strength and memory are sealed, Master can only help you here, and look forward to the day when we meet again."

"Liar!" Nalan Yue ruthlessly crumpled the letter into a ball, a cluster of flames burning in the bottom of her heart.

But soon she calmed down, raised her left hand, looked at the faint "Jin" on the palm of her hand, and the words on the letter flashed in front of her eyes again-"The word on the palm of your left hand seals your original Strength and memory..."


Nalan Yue frowned, looked deeply at the words on the bottom of her hand, and decided to go back first and study slowly.

She hadn't forgotten that the zombie matter hadn't been resolved yet...


When walking out of the Taolin, except for a few remaining zombies, Nalan Yue didn't see large groups of zombies.

It seems that Murong Qing'er and the others have already done what she said.

"Boss!" Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao would be here, and Murong Qing'er was in front of her. She immediately ran to report the situation, "Boss has a good news or a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

(End of this chapter)

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