Chapter 1214 He Came 4
The faces of the students who were summoned were very impatient. Now that the mainland is in chaos, everyone is thinking of ways to escape, so there is no mood to stay in the academy.

"The mainland will end soon, why are we standing here if we don't run?"

"That's right, we're going home!! Go home!"


There was a commotion below.

Nalan Yue walked onto the stage under the impatient gaze of everyone, her face was condensed, her voice was cold, and she shouted at the audience, "Shut up!"

Her voice was mixed with the power of the Valkyrie, and it echoed in everyone's ears. There was no sound for a while, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

It shouldn't be Nalan Yue who was supposed to be on stage. After all, there are still elders, no matter how bad it is, there are still a lot of mentors, but now Nalan Yue's strength is enough to kill them instantly. On this continent where strength is the most important thing, she deserves to be recognized Respect.

Nalan Yue looked at the group of people who wished to grow wings and fly away, and sneered, "You still want to go home, you think you still have a home now! To put it bluntly, no matter where you all hide in the ends of the earth, as long as the zombies come If the sun is not removed, there will be no peaceful day!"


The audience was dead silent.

Nalan Yue paused and continued, "At this moment of continental crisis, we must all unite as one, take up arms and fight zombies and demons to the death, so that we... together defend the continent we depend on for survival! "

In fact, this passage sounds quite hypocritical, and even feels like saying a slogan, but in this crisis moment, every word and every sentence comes from her heart.


Everyone lowered their heads one after another, thinking about her words, but some began to question her.

"You sound nice. Your master ran away ahead of time. Maybe you will follow suit one day. What's the use of saying such nice things now!"

"Isn't it? You will also run away by then, leaving us as fenders!"

"Everyone, don't listen to her nonsense, she just wants us to stay and buy her time to escape."

"Yes, we have to go our own way, whether the mainland or not mainland cares about our business!"

The loudest yelling in the crowd was the freshmen who had just entered the school, that is, the people who were in the same class as Nalan Yue. They have not been here for a long time, so they naturally don't have too much affection for Qinglong Academy.

On the contrary, old people like Murong Qing'er and his class already regarded Qinglong College as their other home, so they chose to keep silent at this time.

Na Lanyue almost laughed at this group of people. She organized everyone to defend the mainland with good intentions, but this group of people could express her thoughts so darkly.

It's really enough...

If she wanted to leave, she would have left long ago. Don't forget that she is now at the level of a warrior, and it is easy and easy to go to any continent.

But the master said that this continent is her responsibility, yes, even if it is her responsibility, but it is also the responsibility of everyone living on the continent. If everyone is like this, Nalan Yue thinks it is better to let the mainland directly give to the demons or The zombies have taken over!

What else is there to save? Do you want her to save a group of white-eyed wolves?

Sorry, she, Nalan Yuexin, isn't that big yet!

"Anyone who wants to leave can immediately leave, Qinglong Academy does not lack you!!"

At this moment, a cold voice came across like a knife, cutting off all the gossip.

That's too good... Nalan Yue subconsciously looked in the direction of the voice, and saw a familiar tall figure wearing a battle armor, walking against the light, although he couldn't see his face clearly, but his surrounding Domineering but can kill everything in seconds.

(End of this chapter)

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