Chapter 1218 Building a Defense Tower 4
In the process of building the defense tower, almost all the people did it. It seems that Qin Shihuang is building the Great Wall, but he was mandatory, but here it is indeed spontaneous.

Therefore, the efficiency is very high, no matter what materials are missing, they can be transported immediately.

Even children of a few years old shuttled back and forth to the place where the defense tower was built, carrying spars and other things, and those old people with gray beards and trembling walking all sent some tea to the alchemist and the soldiers doing rough work, perhaps Help clean up the tower defense area.

Nalan Yue's eyes were inexplicably moist, she turned around, her steps were firm, she must do her best to defend this continent.

Because this is her home.

The area of ​​Luoyue Continent is not big, but it is not small. At least 390 nine defense towers must be built.

Nearly [-], with an average of two built every day, it will take two hundred days, nearly a year, not to mention that the mainland's military strength is so weak now.

Nalan Yue was really worried. Even with the defense tower, everyone's average strength was only at the level of a martial artist. It would be difficult to deal with the demons!

She tried to refine as many promotional pills as possible, so that Quan Ming's strength could be raised by a level.

The matter of building the defense tower was on the right track in just three days, and Nalan Yue didn't need to keep an eye on her all the time, she sent Murong Xiaoman and Lizi's brother Kuo Lintian to help.

It's strange to say that five days have passed, but the domain master doesn't seem to have moved. It must be that Ye Jin's plan has worked.

When Nalan Yue returned to Qinglong Academy, she originally wanted to retreat and refine medicine immediately, but an extremely bad thing happened——Feng Chu was going to become a zombie!
Nalan Yue immediately thought that it was the cut he was made by the zombies. She had observed for a while and found that there was no problem. She thought it was because Feng Chu's physique was too good to be infected, but now it seems that she really took it lightly.

But even if she paid attention to it, it was useless, because she couldn't make medicine to resist infection at all.

Not only Fengchu, but also the hundreds of thousands of people who were confirmed to be infected...

Nalanyue had a headache. Those 10 people are still locked in the basement of Qinglong Academy. It is impossible to refine the pills. After all, hundreds of thousands of pills are not a joke.

Feng Chu lay dying on the bed, her lips showed a smear of red, and even grew long fangs, the press bed was exposed to the outside, her nails were black, long and sharp, shining black, such a beautiful boy, Now it has become neither human nor ghost.

He roared a few times from time to time, extremely weird, if it wasn't for being bound by black iron chains, he might have rushed over to bite someone.

Murong Qing'er, who was always calm and unrestrained, dropped golden beans beside him at this moment.

Nalan Yue sighed heavily, but rationality made her wave Murong Qing'er's hand that wanted to approach him, "Calm down, you will be caught by him."

"Looking at him like this, I would rather become a zombie..." At least, my heart won't be so painful.

Nalan Yue was deeply moved by her heart-piercing appearance, if it was Ye Jin who was lying here today, she would only be crazier than Qing Er.

"It's not impossible, so you must not become a zombie!"

When Murong Qing'er heard this sentence, it was as if she had seen the dawn of hope, and she hurriedly asked, with hope in her eyes, "Boss, have you concocted a medicine that can detoxify the infection?"


"Oh..." Murong Qing'er was disappointed for a moment, but she didn't blame the boss, she knew too well that if the boss could really refine this kind of elixir, he wouldn't have to wait so long.

"But there is another way..."

(End of this chapter)

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