Chapter 1227 Restoring Memory 1
Unlocking the seal was imminent, so Ye Jin hurriedly dragged her to a cave not far away, and sat down to protect her.

Because Nalan Yue was interrupted during the process of breaking the seal, at this moment, Nalan Yue's spiritual energy was scurrying and swollen in her veins, her veins seemed to burst open, and her complexion was even more pale and frightening.

With the input of Ye Jin's spiritual energy, the situation got a little better, and that pale and weak face finally turned red.

In the following time, Nalan Yue couldn't move all over her body, as if being controlled by something, the pain was unbearable, and a bunch of inexplicable images spewed out from her mind...

She had clearly never experienced these scenes, but when they appeared, Nalan Yue felt unusually familiar, her heart trembled, and she subconsciously accepted it all.

I don't know how long it took, Nalan Yue, who was slowly falling into a coma, was awakened by the pain again, this time the pain was really nothing compared to before.

She could see with her own eyes that her green and blue veins "bang" broke, and Nalan Yue couldn't help crying out in pain, but subconsciously protected her abdomen with her hands.

As long as her child is fine, she is willing to endure no matter how much pain she suffers!
The broken veins were then repaired bit by bit in the shortest time. They are much thicker than before, and the aura has also increased. It was so painful to break the tendons before, but now it is so refreshing when it is repaired!
When all the tendons in the body were repaired, golden circles of light descended from the sky on the soles of her feet, showing her level.

"Full level warrior..."

Nalan Yue smiled, and lightly let go of her clenched fingers. What was forced in before her eyes darkened, and she fell into a coma.

Ye Jin yelled in horror, and only breathed a sigh of relief when she tested her breathing, heartbeat, and the child were all fine.


Nalan Yue is dreaming.

Yes, the reason for saying this is because she knows very well that she is dreaming now!
She dreamed of her life--it was incredible!
Even her time travel was planned by one hand.

She was born in the 1th year of the God Realm.

Her father is the supreme protoss who created the world, including the Luoyue Continent, while her mother, Shui Lan, is a human race left behind in ancient times, with mysterious power.

Her birth was a great honor for the Protoss, but until she was 160 years old, according to human beings, she was 16 years old, and she fell in love with Ye Jin, who was the king of the human race.

At that time, Ye Jin was also a human race left behind in ancient times, but he led those left behind to rebuild a new country, and his mother and his own mother Shui Lan were particularly good friends.

In the year 120 of the mainland, she met him in the colorful peach forest of falling flowers.

In the 120th year of the mainland, she learned that she was the king of the human race, so she secretly ran down from the God Realm and turned into a little fox to accompany him for hundreds of years.

In 230 of the mainland, she told her father that she would marry the king of the tribe, and her mother agreed, but her father hesitated.

In the 240th year of the mainland, she happily brought him into the God Realm.

In the year 240 of the mainland, they were about to get married and traveled around the world. At this time, they met Ziyou and Yunyan. She regarded Yunyan as her best sister and brought her into the God Realm.

Continental 240, she had the first quarrel with him because of Yunyan, he said that Yunyan had bad intentions, she didn't believe it was because he didn't love her, so she ran away in a fit of anger.

(End of this chapter)

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