Chapter 1232 The Great War (3)

"Underground." Ye Jin said in a deep voice.

"Underground?" Feng Chu exclaimed.

"Yes!" Nalan Yue nodded affirmatively, the entire domain has been smashed, except for the ground!

She didn't believe it, there weren't many underground palaces in Nuo Da's domain!
"Everyone spread out, carefully looking for any traps or entrances..." Nalan Yue stood on a big rock, looked at the crowd and said.


at the same time
In the [-]-meter-deep underground palace, the domain lord was staring at Ziyou angrily, "I have known you for tens of thousands of years at least, if I hadn't introduced you to Master Nether ten thousand years ago , I’m afraid you are not even a fart now! Now this seat just asks you how many magic generals you want, but you push back and forth!”

"Enough!" Ziyou shook his sleeves heavily, staring at him with displeasure in his coquettish purple eyes, stretched out his hand, and easily pinched his neck, his face was gloomy and terrifying, and he said ferociously, "If it wasn't for you, I would I will not come to this point with her!"

The domain master suddenly sneered a few times, as if he was mocking something, "Oh, is the majestic demon regretting that he has become a demon?"


As if stimulated by his words, flames shot up in Ziyou's eyes, and she directly threw the person in her hand on the ground viciously.


He really regrets...

As the saying goes, one wrong step, one wrong step, once you become a demon, you will be a demon for life, this is an inescapable nightmare...

It's also the place where he hates himself the most!

But now being torn apart so bloody by the domain master, Ziyou can't wait to crush him to death with one punch!

"Turned into anger?" The domain owner laughed loudly, got up from the ground, walked up to him and stared at her fiercely, "It's a pity that it's too late, isn't it... Do you think anyone wants to have blood on their hands, but when you try After experiencing the smell of power, you will understand that all your choices are not wrong...not wrong!"

For the last few words, he almost screamed with all his strength, full of unwillingness.

"No, it's not too late..." Ziyou suddenly looked away, her long eyes closed slightly, covering the trace of fatigue in her eyes.

"How naive are you? You still say it's not too late at this time?" The domain master laughed out loud again, laughing ferociously, full of ridicule.

At this time, the domain owner still doesn't know how deep meaning is in Ziyou's words at this time,

Ziyou opened her eyes and looked at him, without saying anything, she condensedly dropped a word, then turned and left, "I will give you five more magic generals at most!"

The domain owner sneered, his face extremely rampant, but he didn't know that he was the biggest idiot! -
Just when the domain owner was still secretly proud, he heard a violent sound from inside the underground palace, "Boom——"

A sound like thunder!
The domain master's eyelids trembled violently, and his heart also trembled violently. He immediately understood that something was wrong, his dear zombies!
When he came to the depths of the underground palace, the domain owner saw this scene and almost fell to the ground. There were corpses of zombies everywhere, disgusting green blood, broken arms and stumps, which made the entire underground palace even more eerie. It's like a hell.

Zombies don't have any consciousness, but the domain owner seems to have some way to control the zombies, so that the zombies on the battlefield are extremely powerful, but stay obediently in the underground palace.

Nalan Yue found the entrance of the underground palace long ago, and then led their team to destroy the entire underground palace as quickly as possible!
(End of this chapter)

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