Chapter 1241 The Great War (12)

As the so-called enemies meet, they are particularly jealous!

Wei Ning looked at her, the hatred could not be hidden in his eyes.

A group of beautiful women suddenly came to the battlefield, and the fighting on the mainland did not stop for a moment, but Nalan Yue knew in her heart that these women must not be simple roles.

"With your Alluring Legion, why don't I win!" The Nether King seemed to be very proud, and there was a layer of joy on his brows.

Yun Yan smiled lightly, her Qingcheng Legion was all women, and they dominated the mainland with their charm skills, and now they are sent to the battlefield, I am afraid that it is not good or bad.

"Isn't Qingcheng Legion amazing!" Nalan Yue raised his hand and casually killed a coquettishly dressed woman, "On the battlefield, beautiful women are useless!"

"That's right, do you think you can confuse our army's morale with a few coquettish goods? Dreaming!"

"Don't talk nonsense with them, kill—"

Now only killing and madness can fill the pain of losing loved ones and the pain of falling home.

The home is gone, so what is the use of a beautiful woman!



Fight hard to kill, as long as they kill one more person now, then they can sacrifice one less teammate, one friend, one relative...

The blood was flowing like a river, and the corpses were piled higher than the mountains. Everyone couldn't find a piece of good meat all over their bodies. It was like a machine slashing and killing unconsciously until it was exhausted!
The Great War lasted as long as a century.

The demon race is like a continuous stream, and it can't be killed, but the human race is limited. Even if he doesn't want to admit it, Nalan Yue has to admit that they are going to lose.

Yes, if you lose, if you lose, you may end up with a tragic end to the complete annihilation of the mainland...

Not reconciled!
Nalan Yue clenched her fists, she thought, if she was given enough time to prepare, she might be able to go to other continents to attract allied forces, but in just a few months, there was really nothing she could do.

She tried her best, really tried her best... But the time is too short!
There are not many troops left in the mainland, but there are more and more demons.

At this moment, Yunyan, who had been staying inside the mecha, hinted to her frequently: I can help you.

Nalan Yue's heart moved slightly. In her previous life, she blamed herself for trusting this woman too easily, causing her to stab a knife in the back. Now it is really hard for her to trust her again.

Yun Yan also understands that she doesn't believe in herself, so she can only choose to save herself!

Yunyan understood too well that she would surely die if she stayed with the Nether King until the end, so even if she died, she couldn't let go of such a chance to escape from the evil way!

Nalan Yue didn't know what Yun Yan was going to do, but from the indifferent expression on her face, it could be seen that this woman was cruel to others, and even more cruel to herself!

Speaking of which, except for being stabbed in the back by this woman in the previous life, she has hardly had any contact with Yun Yan in this life.

When Nalan Yue was thinking about it, she heard a violent roar explode in her ears, and the long sword in her hand trembled involuntarily.

Ye Jin and the others around him also took a few steps back, looking at the huge mech in front of them in puzzlement.

They were bombing the mecha repeatedly just now, but suddenly there was an explosion sound inside the mecha.

"Could it be that the mech was broken by us?" Feng said hastily, exhaling a foul breath.

"Don't be naive!"

If it could really be broken, it would have been broken by them long ago, how could it be possible to wait until now!

The explosion sound seemed to come from the inside of the mecha. Could it be that the mecha was damaged by the old King of Nether?
(End of this chapter)

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