Chapter 1243 The Great War (14)

One second before the explosion sounded, Nalan Yue was violently pushed out of the range of the explosion by multiple forces.

Everything was so fast that she had no time to react. She could only subconsciously protect her stomach. The many days of fighting had exhausted her spiritual energy. When she was pushed out, she had almost no strength to resist. The sound of the wind made my face ache from the shave.

After a long time, she finally stopped. It had been a while since the Nether King revealed himself.

Because she was pushed out of the center of the self-exposure range in time, she didn't suffer much damage.

The entire continent was unbelievably quiet at this moment, as if Nalan Yue was the only living person.

Nalan Yue got up from the ground, and pressed her sleepy mind, still haven't figured out how she came out of the center of the self-exposure range like this?

Yes, she remembered, at that time they decided to run together, but how come the only one who escaped in the end was herself?
Nalan Yue suddenly thought of the "those forces" that pushed towards her before she came out, and the bad premonition in her heart spread little by little.

Could it be that Ye Jin and the others didn't run out from the self-exposure center at all, but these fools pushed her out and gave her the chance to live!

Nalan Yue froze in place, looking around with wide eyes.

south no one...

Nobody up north...

There is no one to the west or east either...

The world was suddenly quiet and messy, silent fear spread in the air, Nalan Yue seemed to be unable to breathe, her face quickly turned pale, and her eyes were full of disbelief.

In the end, she couldn't stand the deathly silence anymore, and while scraping away the corpses all over the ground, she ran towards the center area where the King of Nether had revealed himself.

Countless corpses piled up at the feet, Nalan Yue even saw Wei Ning's ferocious face, but she was already dead, her body was torn apart, which shows how miserable it was before she died.

"Ye Jin—"


"Feng Chu—"

"Monroe pears—"

"Northern Phoenix Song—"

"Where are you!!!"

Nalanyue screamed one after another, until finally her voice became hoarse and she couldn't make a sound anymore.

The vast land seemed to be dead, and no one was responding to her. It seemed that the people on the mainland were really dead, but she was the only one left!
"Impossible! Impossible!" Nalan Yueban knelt on the ground, crawling and rolling over the corpses, trying to find Ye Jin and the others.

At this moment, even if there is a living person here, Nalan Yue will not be afraid of being like this!

She is really scared, she is afraid that she is really the only one left in this world, she doesn't want her, she doesn't want... If this is the case, then what's the point of her being alive!
Pawing the rocks and corpses with both hands, Nalan Yue's whole body was covered with blood and sand, but she didn't realize it, her hands didn't stop for a moment, trying to find them, even if it was any living person.

It's not just that Ye Jin and the others are gone, Nalan Yue also finds out that his contract with Little God Tree and Little Phoenix has been broken.

What does this mean?
It is very possible that even the little god tree, little phoenix, and little white have all fallen...

Nalan Yue shuddered, her face was already covered with tears, she should have known that the King of Nether's self-exposure was almost unstoppable, if it wasn't for Ye Jin and the others who pushed her away at the last moment, I'm afraid she would It is also difficult to escape from this war.

Nalan Yue was in despair.

Looking at the continent where corpses were scattered and blood flowed like rivers, it was the first time that she felt despair from the bottom of her heart, but she just didn't believe that Ye Jin and the others were really dead.

No, how could it be!

(End of this chapter)

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