Chapter 1252
But looking at me as if I was awakened by something, I quickly looked away in embarrassment, and covered my eyes with inferiority, for fear that the girl in front of me would also regard herself as a monster, and then began to beat and scold me.

I never hide my ugliness from others, because I don't think purple eyes are wrong, but when facing her, I feel extremely inferior in my heart.

I'm afraid she will see my ugliness.

But she didn't seem to mind, instead she pulled my dirty fingers away from the eyes bit by bit, and said to me seriously, "You know, you don't need to worry about your purple pair at all. I feel inferior because of my eyes, it’s nothing to make a fuss about... I’ve seen people with blue eyes, green eyes, golden eyes, even red eyes, but red eyes look a lot like pink eyes..."

The girl laughed out loud as she spoke.

And I was also amused by her little cold joke, and I slightly licked the corners of my mouth at her, just about to say something, but saw the man who was standing not far away walking towards with an oiled paper umbrella.

When he came to her side, the man bent down gently, put the oil-paper umbrella in his hand on top of her head, and flicked the snowflakes that fell on her shoulders lightly.

There seemed to be some displeasure in his eyes, "It's too windy and snowy here, Yue'er should go..."

I pricked up my ears to listen, and it turned out that her name is Yue'er, she bends like a moon, it sounds really nice...


Immediately afterwards, I watched the woman in front of me stand up slowly, and found the oiled paper umbrella in the hand of the man next to me, but she did not leave immediately, but handed the umbrella to me, and said with a smile, "I added a little oil to this umbrella. Fire element, if you are homeless, you won’t feel cold even if you wear an umbrella, as for have to figure it out yourself!”

"Thank you... thank you..." Before I could finish these two words, the woman was dragged away by the jealous man.

I stared blankly at the oil-paper umbrella in my hand, and a wave of warmth came into my heart. Then, I looked up at the pair of people who were a match made in heaven, and my eyes couldn't help but dim for a while.

Such a good person is already guarded by someone... Forget it, what on earth was I thinking? With her status, how can I be delusional.

Because I seem to know who this girl is - the city of the sky, the daughter of God, what a noble status, and that man is the king of the human race, a mysterious race left over from ancient times.

And I'm just a monster with purple eyes...

Monsters are not worthy of love!

I held the oiled paper umbrella she gave me, and relied on the only fire element on the umbrella to keep warm, until the fire element on the umbrella had dissipated, but I still carried it every day, as a reminder for myself.

I desperately wanted a strong power, but I didn't expect to meet the domain master. He told me that there was a way to become stronger quickly. That was me, who was young and inexperienced, so I couldn't wait to ask.


Later I became the apprentice of the Nether King, which is really a sad thing.

At that time, I didn't know the truth that once you become a demon, you will be a demon for the rest of your life!

I naively thought that as long as I became a demon, I could get the power I wanted, revenge, and revenge, but I didn't expect this power to be obtained by betraying myself.

The power of many demons was poured into my body by the king of the netherworld. He said, I am a good material that you can see once in ten thousand years, and you can definitely train me to become the most contacted demon puppet.

The King of Netherworld, he is extremely harsh on my cultivation, even to the point of being picky, but he is extremely relaxed about other things.

(End of this chapter)

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