Chapter 1254

Later, I seemed to lose consciousness, and vaguely saw the angry expression on her father's face, but she held on to her last breath and begged her father not to punish Ye Jin, and to give them another chance...

I finally closed my eyes slowly, and even quietly infused a wisp of the dark element in my body into her body. I hope that she will no longer be afraid of the dark element in the next life!
Then I thought I was dead.

But I still didn't die, I lived tenaciously at this time like an unbeatable Xiaoqiang, but my body was destroyed.

This is the price I paid for bullying his daughter.

Without my body, my soul wandered around like a lonely ghost. As for the master...he was in retreat at that time.

I stumbled, lost, blamed myself, felt guilty, suffered, everything was like a boulder pressing down on my heart, and finally I heard that she was sent to another time and space.

However, with my state of soul, it is difficult for me to travel through the space at will, otherwise I will definitely find her in that time and space, and I won't give Ye Jin another chance to get there first!

I had no choice but to stay in Luoyue Continent in the end, just because I wanted to wait for her.

But then I found out that a piece of my soul was missing. Later, I found the host of the other half of my soul and took away his body. He is Xiao Ziyu!
In fact, if you say it's a seizure, don't you say it's a fusion!

After all, he is me and I am him!
I thought I would be able to wait for her sooner by relying on the memory of ten thousand years ago, but fate seems to have been arranged, Ye Jin still met her before I did!
And I was fighting with another part of my soul at that time, who made these two souls already reproduce their own consciousness!
Seeing the two of them loving each other again even though they lost each other's memory made me jealous and heartbroken.

But this time, I won't do stupid things anymore, I am determined to guard her silently.

Just like the sugar cake she gave me in the ice and snow, and the oiled paper umbrella that I kept forever.

Those are my most precious memories!

I have never experienced warmth and love in my life, and she is the first and only person who gave me these, so I will definitely be her knight!

But then my master, the Nether King, was found in Luoyue Continent, and he also told me about an extremely crazy plan he was preparing-to seize the mainland and take revenge!

It turned out that he already knew that the person Yunyan liked was Ye Jin, and he also knew that this life was just an agreement between Nalan Yue and his father, so he tried every means to destroy it!

Such a crazy and obsessive master who likes Yunyan, in order to completely imprison Yunyan, I know he will do his best and will not hesitate!

This kind of love is both perverted and painful!
In fact, all the pains and tribulations that Nalan Yue experienced along the way were all at the hands of the Nether King, just to make her admit defeat!

I saw it in my eyes, and it hurt in my heart, but I couldn't do anything, and I couldn't do anything. I understood too well that she, who was weak at that time, had to rely on these tribulations to become stronger little by little!

I am very glad that the girl I like has succeeded!
When I saw her sitting on the battlefield, sitting on the white beast, with her blue skirt covering the whole world, and her calm and indifferent face, my heart jumped for joy!

I have witnessed her growth in this life, and this is simply happier than being with her!
In order to be able to help her, I am willing to die for her, but I have calculated thousands of times, but I did not calculate that my master would be so cold-blooded, and directly killed me.

However, this is also good, at least I am freed, and I no longer have to live with pain and torture all day long.

Before she died, the thing I was most thankful for was the flash of sadness in her eyes.

I think, in fact, I still have a place in her heart, right...

(Ziyou episode ends)
 Ziyou's episode is over, and there will be Ye Wuzun and Yunyan's next... If you have any episodes you want to watch, you can leave a message for me
(End of this chapter)

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