Chapter 126 The Wonderful House Fight

Ye Jin slightly raised her phoenix eyes, and rubbed her chin playfully, "Such a wonderful house fight, I naturally want to watch it."

Nalan Jue's face turned slightly black and red, obviously as if someone saw his own joke.

However, as long as Prince Jin is present and sees Nalanyue's hidden betrothal gifts in the courtyard, even he will not be able to protect Nalanyue!

Nalan Jue was thinking in his heart, Ye Jin didn't know why, he just raised the corners of his mouth in disdain.

Of course he wants to go to see how her Xiaoyue'er fights back!
After a while, dozens of servants stood behind Nalan Jue.

Nalan Jue looked at Ye Jin and made a gesture to invite him to go first, "My lord, please."

Ye Jin's face was indifferent, and his words were alienated, "You go first, and the king will follow."

Ye Jin himself said so, Nalan would certainly not refute, immediately waved to the servant, walked out of the front hall and walked towards Nalan Yue's lotus garden.

As for Hong'er and Lu'er, several servants dragged them to her lotus garden to testify.

The eldest lady, mother and son have already succeeded halfway in their treachery, so naturally they have to follow Nalan Yue's jokes.

When the eldest lady walked past Nalan Yue, she secretly raised her eyebrows triumphantly and smiled hypocritically.

You bitch, your mother can't beat me, let alone you!
But the eldest lady still sighed hypocritically, as if she was sad for her, "Miss San, you might as well admit it earlier, alas..."

After speaking, he shook his head pretending to be disappointed, and walked side by side with Nalan Jue.

Nalan Yu was not to be outdone, she sneered at the corner of her mouth, leaned into Nalan Yue's ear and said, "Third Sister, you probably don't know, this engagement was designed by the Crown Prince alone, heh..."

That's right, she just wanted to tell Nalan Yue the truth, Nalan Yue, a bitch who was designed by her beloved man, must be very sad!
Heh... As long as Nalan Yue is sad, she will be happy!
Nalan Yue shrugged indifferently, approached her casually, and quickly stuffed a white jade hairpin into her wide cuff with her fingers.

This is the missing betrothal gift like the hairpin!
It just so happened that Nalan Yue was wearing a white dress today. The cuffs were exquisitely designed and had overlapping laces. It was stuffed with something of the same color so that no traces could be seen at all.

Nalan Yue completed this action in the blink of an eye, looked at her with a sneer, and said in a drawn out voice, "It turns out that the prince is a ten-handed one... Elder sister, do you think this prince will become a hundred-handed one in the future? "

Well, that is to say, will the prince have a hundred women in the future...

Nalan Yu wanted to see Nalan Yue's sad and painful appearance, so she kept staring at Nalan Yue's face and did not notice her little move.

Nalan Yu didn't see the reaction she imagined Nalan Yue should have, but was ridiculed by her for a while, and immediately gritted her silver teeth.


Before she could finish speaking, the lady who was walking in front turned her head full of beaded flowers, frowned, and shouted at Nalan Yu, "Yu'er, why don't you hurry up!"

Nalan Yu bit her lower lip lightly, glared at Nalan Yue bitterly, raised her skirt and followed her.

At the bottom of my heart, I kept thinking about what Nalan Yue said just now, the prince already has so many consorts, will there be more in the future...

No, no, the crown prince loves her, he said that he would send away all his concubines for his own sake!
Nalan Yu blushed, looked back at Nalan Yue arrogantly, and followed the eldest lady and the prime minister.

Nalan Yue lightly smiled with a hint of sarcasm, how could the prince only have Nalan Yu as a woman in the future!

How naive!

(End of this chapter)

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