Chapter 145 Take advantage of his illness to kill him
"Ah!", the man in black suddenly covered his eyes in pain, leaving a trail of blood slowly.

Taking advantage of the moment when the man in black was absent-minded, Nalan Yue quickly picked up the small dagger and stabbed him in the neck!
The so-called taking advantage of his illness to kill him!

The man in black had already reacted at this moment, but Nalan Yue's speed was half a second faster, and this half second was enough for Nalan Yue!

In an instant, the dagger had cut to his neck artery!
But a scene that Nalan Yue didn't expect appeared!

"Stabbed—" The sharp little dagger scratched across the neck of the man in black, but it seemed to be cut on an iron plate.

The neck of the man in black was not injured at all, but Nalan Yue's tiger's mouth was numb!

Awful!The defense of the man in black is too strong, she can't break it now.

So 36 counts is the best plan, run!

Nalan Yue immediately ran out like a bow from the string, with the wind blowing on the soles of her feet.

The space inside the house is too narrow, but the open outside is easy to hide from!
But how could the furious man in black let her go like this, biting out a few words in a hoarse voice, "Looking for death!"

The long sword in his hand quickly stabbed at Nalan Yue who was running outside.

Nalan Yue suddenly felt that the whole person was not well, and the sword behind her was like a poisonous snake.

"Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle!"

Nalan Yue raised her arm, pointed the space bracelet at the man in black, and pressed the attack mode.

In an instant, hundreds of silver needles pierced the man in black all over the sky, and the tips of the needles shone with green poisonous light.

The man in black looked at the sky full of silver needles with disdain, didn't even open his defense, and used his spiritual power to control Nalan Yue's sword.

Because he didn't believe that this little embroidery needle could hurt him at all!

good!Nalan Yue almost got up and applauded, she was just betting on the arrogance of the man in black.

Ah!Do you look down on her Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle?idiot!
The hundred silver needles changed direction in an instant and shot at the man in black neatly in a row.

"Pfft! Pfft!"

Hundreds of silver needles penetrated into the most vulnerable part of the man in black's... lower body.

There was a flash of surprise and anger in the eyes of the man in black. The place where the silver needle was pierced was so painful that he loosened for a moment, and the sword in his hand stayed for a second.

Nalan Yue immediately slipped out of the room as nimbly as a cat.

The night is like splashed ink, the moonlight is bleak, and the clouds are dark gray.

In the yard, Guardian Zuo was fighting another man in black, the blue skates and the red arrows "stabbed" making piercing and shrill sounds.

A transparent water ripple-shaped barrier in mid-air, oval in shape, covered the small courtyard like a pot lid from top to bottom to block the transmission of sound.

So this is also why there has been no patrolling guards from the prime minister's mansion for a long time.

When Zuo Hufa saw Nalan Yue's figure, he was slightly relieved, and when he saw the man in black behind her from the corner of his eyes, his heart was in his throat.

"Be careful behind!"

Guardian Zuo couldn't help roaring, and because of his distraction, the man in black who was fighting with him pierced his arm with a fiery red sword.

There was a mixed smell of burnt and blood in the air.

Here, just as Nalan Yue took a breath of fresh air, she heard Zuo Guardian's shout, and immediately turned her head to look.

The man in black clenched his long sword tightly with his fingers, his face was ferocious, and he shouted violently, "Go!"

The sword pierced Nalan Yue icily again.

Nalan Yue suddenly felt a chill coming from the bottom of her feet, run!

Nalan Yue ran to the east, the sword behind him turned and stabbed to the east as well.

Nalan Yue went west, and it also followed, as if it couldn't kill her, it kept chasing her.

On the other hand, the man in black stood where he was, with his arms folded, sneering disdainfully as if he was watching a good show, his bleeding eyes matched with his ferocious face, like a ghost from hell.

(End of this chapter)

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