Chapter 147 I really can't hide

But the little guy didn't seem to hear it, his eyes widened, he opened his small mouth, "Huh—" he had to spit out a row of fire snakes, forming a fire barrier in front of Nalan Yue.

The irresistible ice pick gradually melted at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally turned into a puddle of water.

The man in black's jaw almost dropped in shock, how could a little chicken spit fire!

Not to mention the man in black, even Nalan Yue was slightly shocked, she always thought that Little Phoenix would only eat, eat, eat!
Nalan Yue couldn't help giving it a thumbs up, the little guy flapped his wings arrogantly.

"Where is the little chicken, get out of here!"

The man in black stretched out his long arms, and with lightning speed, he grabbed Little Phoenix with his fingers, and then tightened his neck tightly.

After all, Little Phoenix was still in his infancy, the blow just now made him unable to fight back.

"Bad... scoundrel!" Little Fenghuang spat out a few words with difficulty, his eyes rolled up to reveal his white eyelids.

"Let go of it!" Nalan Yue was furious, and his hands made a "creak" sound as he grasped fiercely.

The man in black sneered, and the fingers gripping Xiao Fenghuang's neck became more and more forceful, and Xiao Fenghuang was already foaming at the mouth, and his breath was dying, as if he would die in the next moment.

Nalan Yue's eyes were cold, with a bloodthirsty light, "You will regret it!"

"Hahahahaha..." The man in black looked up to the sky and laughed, his fingers still tightening around Little Phoenix's delicate neck.

Nalan Yue had been waiting for this moment, and rushed forward, pouring the extra medicine bottles on his eyes.

"Ah! Ah!" the ghost in black cried out, threw out the little phoenix, covered his eyes and jumped.

Nalan Yue tilted her body, jumped lightly, grabbed the little phoenix that was rolling in the air, stuffed a few western medicines into its mouth, and immediately put it in the space for the sacred tree to take care of it.

"I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you! Go to hell... go to hell!"

At this moment, the man in black seemed to have gone crazy. He mobilized all the spiritual power in his body with both hands, turned into an ice cone that filled the sky, and slammed it at Nalan Yue fiercely.

His two eyes had turned into two black holes at this time, he was already blind, and his face was covered with traces of corrosion.

That's right, what Nalan Yue poured on him just now was the enhanced version of the corrosive potion, several times stronger than sulfuric acid.

The man in black is very powerful, so Nalan Yue can only choose to attack his eyes.

Icicles rained down all over the sky, and Nalan Yue struggled to avoid everywhere.

"Puchi!" An ice pick pierced Nalan Yue's arm fiercely, and the blood soaked through Nalan Yue's thin and soft clothes.

Nalan Yue leaned against the rockery, gritted her teeth and insisted that she could not go down, a smear of blood flowed from her lips.

The man in black was completely in a state of rage, and the blindness of his eyes deeply stimulated him.

"go to hell!!!"

The man in black condensed a huge ice cone with the last strength of his body, and the sharp end edge shone like a poisonous snake in the dark night.

"Whoosh!" The huge ice cone pierced through the air, violently, and rushed towards Nalan Yue's deadly heart!

The huge ice cone exudes an extremely cold aura.

For a moment, Nalan Yue seemed to be surrounded by cold air and the breath of death.

Nalan Yue clenched her fingers tightly, her arm was bleeding profusely, and her whole body was covered with trauma from being hit by the ice pick, she really couldn't hide...

Her eyes began to wander, and a figure suddenly appeared in front of her gradually blurred eyes.

This figure is noble and reserved, he has such a handsome face, but such a face is really familiar, yes, he, he is... Ye Jin!
Nalan Yue suddenly smiled weakly, her face was as pale as moonlight, did she have hallucinations?
She has heard such a story before, if a person is about to die, then the person she loves the most in her life will appear in front of her eyes!
So, she actually loves him, doesn't she?
(End of this chapter)

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