Chapter 150 You Care About Me

Nalan Yue frowned, doubts arose in her heart.

Nothing will happen!Just now, I don't know who almost went into a madness, the spiritual power rioted and almost died!
"Master just now became unable to control himself because of this, and would become murderous to the point of madness." At this time, Zuo Guardian added from the side.

Nalan Yue understood, probably Ye Jin's reputation for cruelty is probably because of this!
She looked at Ye Jin with a complicated heart, and she couldn't help frowning.

Ye Jin stretched out her fingers to gently smooth the frown between her brows, then turned her head and looked coldly at the talkative Zuo Guardian, "You didn't protect Yue'er well and the king hasn't punished you yet! Now you are still here Talk too much here!"

Zuo Hufa immediately covered his injured chest, and knelt down in front of Ye Jin, "It's my subordinate's dereliction of duty, please punish me severely."

Ye Jin's red eyes were burning, and the corners of her mouth sneered, "Heavy punishment is certain, now you go and deal with these two men in black first!"

Nalan Yue gently pulled off Ye Jin's sleeve, "Let's forget about the punishment, after all, the man in black just now is so strong..."

Ye Jin shook her head firmly, "No way!"

He couldn't even imagine that if he was just one step late, his Yue'er would be decapitated now!
Zuo Hufa still knelt on the ground and clenched his fist at Nalanyue, "Miss San doesn't need to plead for my subordinate anymore."

Nalan Yue glanced at him, then at Ye Jin, and said in a slightly forceful tone, "He is the person you sent to protect me, so he is in my care. Since you are going to punish him now, why not take it by the way?" Take him back!"

Ye Jin looked at the girl in front of her dumbfoundedly, and couldn't help poking her little head, "You! Now you know how to threaten this king...but this king still has to follow your temperament, and I don't know what happened in my previous life. Do I owe you, let you, a charming little fairy, come and torture me!"

The last sentence Ye Jin leaned against her ear, whispering like a sympathizer!
Nalan Yue was very confused by Ye Jin's ambiguous words, and gave him a big roll of eyes.

The right protector stretched out his neck quietly and asked, "Then the left protector should be punished?"

Ye Jin immediately swept across, from the face of the right protector to the face of the kneeling left protector, and hummed lightly.

"Are you all deaf, or are you out of your mind and can't understand what this king means? Hurry up and get lost, it will be an eyesore!"

The left protector and the right protector immediately stood up, watching their noses, noses, noses and hearts, silently.

Nalan Yue asked Protector Xiang Zuo again, "Please check if something happened to Lu'er!"

Guardian Zuo lowered his head and replied, "Miss San doesn't need it, Miss Lu'er was knocked out by her subordinates, she's fine."

Nalan Yue breathed a sigh of relief and waved at him.

The left protector and the right protector immediately ran away like the wind to deal with the bodies of the two men in black.

Ye Jin approached Nalan Yue, a trace of displeasure flashed across Jun's face, "Yue'er doesn't need to be polite to him, just tell him to do it if there is anything to do!"

Nalan Yue turned her head and looked at him, feeling that this is how he squeezed the "employees"!

"Do you need your eyes?"

As soon as Nalan Yue met his scarlet phoenix eyes, she couldn't help but feel worried.

Such scarlet and scarlet eyes really look very, oh no, [-]% scary!

Ye Jin smiled casually to charm all beings, "You care about me!"

Nalan Yue didn't hide it, and said directly, "Yes, I am concerned about you! After all...isn't it normal to care about your own lifesaver?"

(End of this chapter)

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