Chapter 156

The carriage was suddenly quiet, and Nalan Yue simply closed her eyes and rested her mind, trying her best not to let go of a chance to practice.

What happened last night has made her understand too much, the importance of strength, all conspiracies and schemes are false in the face of absolute strength!

Without strength, it is like a piece of meat on a knife board, ready to be slaughtered!
Soon, the unicorn carriage descended slowly from mid-air, and let out a roar when it landed on the ground.

"Hiss—" seemed to remind the people inside that they had reached their destination!
Nalan Yue opened her eyes, the pupils inside were as clear as spring water, as if she had a magic power to see through everything.

Nalan Yue jumped out of the carriage first, stood on the ground, raised her eyes and saw the three big gold characters of "Prince Jin's Mansion".

Why did he bring her to his palace for no reason?
Nalan Yue turned to look at Ye Jin suspiciously.

Ye Jin gracefully jumped out of the carriage, walked to Nalan Yue's side, and took her hand very naturally.

"The surprise is inside!"

"Really?" Nalan Yue obviously didn't believe it, she turned her head and looked at his big palm wrapped around her jade hand, "Let go, chattering on the street is not good!"

She usually turns a blind eye when eating her tofu, but now, can she hold the girl's hand casually on the street!
Ye Jin winked at her and motioned her to look around, "There's no one here."

Sure enough, Nalan Yue's beautiful eyes looked around, only to find that this Prince Jin Mansion is not on the bustling Huangcheng Street, but closer to the suburbs, located in a very quiet place, surrounded by purple bamboos, very elegant!
Although there are several mansions nearby, but for most of the day, I didn't even see a shadow of anyone.

It's so strange!

Ye Jin seemed to be able to see Nalan Yue's doubts, and answered her, "All the mansions here have been bought by this king to play with!"

Buy and play! ! !
Nalan Yue's jaw dropped, and she stared at him with round eyes.

Well, I have to admit that Ye Jin once again refreshed her cognition.

How rich is this man to buy so many yards to play with, I really want to roar! !
Nalan Yue finally concluded, "If you have money, you can continue to be self-willed!"

Ye Jin raised her chin, her phoenix eyes were enchanting, and she said very unworthy of a beating, "After marriage, all the property of this king will also belong to Yue'er, so Yue'er can also be willful!"

hum!Who wants to marry him, this girl's thinking jumps too fast!I haven't even been with him yet!

Nalan Yue glared at him because she was too lazy to argue with him, "If you want to buy this girl with money, there is no way!"

If it was changed to Magic Crystal, hey, she might consider it!
Girl, your integrity has been shattered...

Ye Jin said lightly, "As long as there are windows!"

puff!Nalan Yue fell down and waved at him, "Can you please stop talking nonsense!"

"Yes." Ye Jin uttered a word, still holding her little hand tightly, and pulling her towards Prince Jin's mansion.

What catches the eyes is the elegant but not stylish decoration of King Jin's Mansion, not the taste of nouveau riche as Nalan Yue thought.

However, the black pear tables and chairs here show how rich the owner is!
The small courtyard with carved beams and painted buildings is exquisite and beautiful, with a kind of elegant Jiangnan flavor, but also faintly carries a majestic and majestic atmosphere.

When the servants in the mansion saw Ye Jin coming in holding Nalan Yue's hand, they were so frightened that they turned into wooden figures!

When did they ever see their own Prince Shura bring a woman, well, such a beautiful woman came back.

The most important thing is that the master is still holding the woman's hand! !Really holding hands! !
(End of this chapter)

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