Chapter 158 The Tunnel of King Jin's Mansion
Nalan Yue took a step forward and found that the books on the leftmost shelf were arranged differently.

Although it was only a slight, even imperceptible difference, it was still captured by Nalan Yue's sharp eyes!
There, one of the books stood up straight and was very clean in writing, obviously touched by the owner often.

and so……

Nalan Yue blurted out instantly, "On the shelf on the left, on the fifth floor, there are two books No. 20 from left to right."

At the same time, Ye Jin also picked up the book the moment she blurted out, a gleam of surprise flashed across her phoenix eyes, and she suddenly became appreciative again.

As expected of his woman, so smart!
Ye Jin admired and said helplessly, "What a smart girl!"

Nalan Yue shook her finger at him, raised the corners of her mouth, "Small idea!"

Ye Jin shook her head, this girl knew she was cheap and acted like a good girl, but the mechanism in his study had never been seen through by anyone!
Ye Jin withdrew her gaze, rotated the book in her hand 360 degrees, and put it back in its original position.

A miraculous scene happened at this very moment!
The bookshelf was separated in the blink of an eye, and split straight from the middle, as if someone had chopped it down from the top.

There was a small piercing sound of "Kachacha——".

A few seconds later, the bookshelf had been split into two halves, revealing a secret door at the back, which was being opened.

In a few breaths, the secret door has been completely opened, and the inside is so dark that it is impossible to see clearly.

Nalan Yue raised her eyebrows, she guessed right, there is something like a mechanism behind the bookshelf!

Ye Jin walked towards her, squeezed her hand tightly and came to this secret door.

"Follow me. There are so many secret passages inside. If you get lost, I won't look for you."

Well, Nalan Yue rolled her eyes, "You can't say something nice."

Ye Jin touched his nose innocently, "This king is telling the truth."

"Okay!" Nalan Yue pushed him, "Hurry up and go in!"

Then the two of them bent over side by side and entered inside.

"Bang!" There was another crash on the ground behind him.

Nalan Yue turned her head and saw that the secret door had been closed at this moment.

For a moment, the entire space was black like splashed ink, even if you can't see your fingers, it's not too much to describe it.

Nalan Yue narrowed her eyes slightly, her vision gradually became brighter, and she could see the surrounding scene clearly.

Beside him, Ye Jin moved slightly, and took out dozens of night pearls from his bosom.

"Bang!" "Bang!"... hit it into the wall.

Immediately, the surrounding area brightened up, and each and every ray of light illuminated the surrounding area.

Nalan Yue raised her hand to block it, and it took a while to get used to the process from darkness to light.

Only then did she realize that Ye Jin had actually inlaid a night pearl on the wall of this secret passage!

I wipe it!Counting them, there are more than ten... What a waste!
He could throw out ten luminous pearls in such a domineering way when he could clearly light a lamp...

Nalan Yue is also speechless!

The light emitted by the night pearl covers a large area, so Nalan Yue can easily take the surrounding scene into his eyes.

The gray walls, the ground are clean and tidy, the terrain is winding and winding, and it is hard to see where the exit is.

However, judging from the cleanliness of this secret passage, it is likely that it was built in the past few years.

"What are you doing digging a tunnel at home?"

Nalan Yue turned her head to ask him, it's really strange!Could it be that he was planning to rebel?
(End of this chapter)

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