Chapter 163 Thought I Was Monkey King
The shock in Nalan Yue's eyes became more and more intense. He had told her before that he would conquer the entire continent, and she really thought he was just saying it casually.

But now, with such power, it is easy for him to obtain the throne, and it is even possible to conquer the Luoyue Continent...

Nalan Yue has come to a conclusion, this man has the capital of arrogance and arrogance!
"What about the two of you?" Conquer the mainland too!
Nalan Yue looked at the two beautiful boys standing in front of her again.

Feng Chu's red lips grinned, and she blinked at Nalan Yuekuang, "I just need to conquer the beauties."

Meng Luo said coolly, "I want to accompany Ye Jiu to conquer the mainland, and then watch my sister-in-law conquer Ye Jiu."

囧, brat!Nalan Yue's cheeks turned slightly red.

Feng Chu also fanned the flames, "Yes, yes! As the saying goes, a man conquers the world, and a woman only needs to conquer this man..."

"Stop, stop!!" Nalan Yue waved his hands at them, if he didn't stop them, they might say something shocking and weeping.

Ye Jin approached Nalan Yue's ear triumphantly, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "I am happy to be conquered by Xiao Yue'er."

Seeing their ambiguous posture, Feng Chu and Meng Luo's two brats immediately blinked suddenly, as if they had a convulsion!

Nalan Yue just felt that there was no need to bear it any longer, "Ye Jin, get the hell out of here!"

As he said that, he kicked over with a shadowless foot.

Ye Jin didn't notice for a while, and was kicked, and a gray footprint appeared on the gorgeous black brocade robe in an instant.

Very obvious!

Feng Chu and the two almost covered their faces. The two brats hugged a pillar each, and couldn't bear to continue watching.

Ye Jin is super clean, and now there is a gray footprint on her clothes... Woohoo, sister-in-law, please ask for blessings!

But who would have thought, Ye Jin just glanced at the dirty place indifferently, and said ruffianically, "The kick is too light, it doesn't hurt at all!"

Nalan Yue couldn't help grinding her back molars, she turned her face away, she really didn't want to look at Ye Jin's face that deserved a beating!

Ye Jin raised her eyebrows, smiled dotingly with her phoenix eyes, and took her hand, "Good boy, I will take you somewhere else."

"Where are you going again?" Nalan Yue folded her arms, her eyes half a smile, "No!"

Did he just let her go?This is too embarrassing!
Ye Jin frowned slightly, "Really not going?"

Nalan Yue shook her fair and clean fingers at him, with a look of non-discussion, "No!"

Ye Jin raised the corners of her lips and laughed softly, "If you don't go, then I will have to carry you!"

While talking, Ye Jin was about to stretch out her long arms and hug Nalan Yue up to her waist.

"Stop!" Nalan Yue made a stop gesture, and stared at him through gritted teeth, "Can't I go?"

This man has always kept his word, and she doesn't want to be forcibly taken away in public.

so!In the face of reality, what face is there, should you throw it away decisively!
There was a smile on Ye Jin's lips, a gleam of success flashed across her phoenix eyes, and her big hand tightly held her little hand, "I wish I had promised not to do this earlier!"

Nalan Yue went crazy and rolled her eyes at him.

Ye Jin dragged Nalan Yue towards the secret door where Feng Chu and the two ran out.

When she was about to enter the secret door, Nalan Yue turned her head inadvertently, only to find that Feng Chu and Meng Luo were hugging the white jade pillars in the palace, looking at them with extremely horrified eyes.

Nalan Yue frowned lightly, "What's wrong with them?"

It's okay to hug a pillar and think he is Monkey King? !
(End of this chapter)

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