Chapter 172 I Want Everything Delicious
Feng Chu snorted twice and yelled, "Who dares to gamble, I'm not worried that Ye Jiu thinks I'm bullying you!"

Ye Jin said in a timely manner, "This king will not interfere!"

Because he knew that his little Yue'er would never lose!

Seeing what Ye Jin said, Feng Chu immediately waved his hands, "Okay, then bet! But what's the bet?"

Nalan Yue blinked lightly, pointed at the magic crystal and said, "If anyone loses, how about giving all the magic crystals he dug up to the other party?"

Feng Chu thought for a while, and suddenly felt happy, "Okay!"

Because for him, this is clearly a business that only earns but not loses!Anyway, he didn't believe that she could dig out all the main veins of such a big magic crystal before dark.

Meng Luo, who had been silent at the side, stood up and said flatly, "Then I will be the referee!"

At the end, Meng Luo swept over Nalan Yue's face sympathetically, and silently looked at such a long section of the main vein of the magic crystal.

Unless there is something rich in heaven and earth, how could it be possible to dig this out before dark!

Nalan Yue always smiled calmly, as if she had already won the battle.

Feng Chu didn't forget to remind Nalan Yue, "If my sister-in-law loses then, she can't cry at Ye Jiu!"

Nalan Yue nodded with certainty.

cry?Well, someone will cry to death later!
Feng Chu didn't notice the confident and sly gleam in Nalan Yue's eyes, and happily ran to dig the magic crystal.

Meng Luo also glanced at Nalan Yue, and announced in an orderly manner, "Now, the game begins! There is still an hour before dark, and we will gather here in an hour."

Nalan Yue and Ye Jin walked leisurely towards the main vein of the magic crystal.

Because of the light of magic crystals in the cave, it looks bright and colorful like modern neon lights.

The greedy little Phoenix has long been impatiently gnawing on the magic crystal with her buttocks pouted, Nalanyue can ignore it.

Nalan Yue was not in a hurry to dig now, but picked up a magic crystal casually.

Let me go, the magic crystals I picked up here are all high-level magic crystals.

Nalan Yue casually glanced around again, it didn't matter, they were all high-level magic crystals!

I wipe!When did high-level magic crystals become Chinese cabbage...

Ye Jin touched her little head, "The beast tide a hundred years ago was very powerful, so there is nothing to be curious about having so many high-level magic crystals!"

Nalan Yue turned sideways to avoid his claws, and released the sacred tree that was screaming to come out from the space bracelet.

Immediately, a shrunken version of the sacred tree jumped out and stood on the ground like a small green umbrella.

"It's up to you! At that time, the magic crystal will share more with you!" Nalan Yue patted its branches and said seductively.

Shenshu told Fengchu that he could dig the magic crystal before he made a bet with Fengchu.

So...that is to say, Nalan Yue was clearly yelling at that brat on purpose!
Shenshu immediately swayed to a cheerleader, "Wow--" as if to say again, it's a trivial matter!

Nalan Yue waved her hand at it, "Go."

The sacred tree flew out immediately, hundreds of green branches protruded from the tree, and hit the soil again in an instant, like a ground drilling machine "plop plop plop" forward.

The thrown magic crystals fell behind, one after another, making people look dazzled.

After a while, it became several piles of magic crystal hills, several meters high.

The sacred tree was still digging out its branches at an unimaginable speed, and the branches kept shaking and making joyful sounds.

Only Nalan Yue knew the true thoughts in Shenshu's heart, and it said, "Dig hard, delicious, delicious! I want them all!"

(End of this chapter)

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