Chapter 192 Three Hundred Western Medicines

In this way, refining medicine and extracting narcotics again and again, Nalan Yue wandered between the two for a whole night.

Nalan Yue stopped extracting and put down the tweezers when a white belly appeared in the sky.

And the medicine cabinet is already filled with thirty white jade bottles of uniform size, a total of three hundred western medicines, and the most important thing is that most of them are high-grade pills.

Let me ask which pharmacist can refine [-] pills in one night, I am afraid that even the master level may not be able to do it.

People who didn't know thought it was the jelly beans refined by Nalan Yue!
But only Nalan Yue understood that the reason was all in the machine made by her master, which was fully mechanized, and she only needed to prepare the medicinal materials and control the heat.
Then Nalan Yue looked at the test tubes on the shelf. Dozens of test tubes were filled with ice blue liquid.

Because extracting anesthetics is a very delicate process and consumes a lot of blue demon flowers, the process is much slower.

After Nalan Yue stuffed a qi-invigorating western medicine into her mouth, the rapidly lost strength in her body returned in an instant.
Nalan Yue walked out of the bamboo house, because it was in the space, so there was no difference between day and night.

At this time, the three foodie allies, Little Phoenix, Divine Tree, and Little Dagger were sleeping soundly in the space, surrounded by a light golden halo.

Obviously, he was here to refine the spiritual power in his body.

And the [-] magic crystals brought from the Asura Palace over there have already been reduced by half, and broken magic crystal shells are everywhere in the space.

Nalan Yue looked at the three little guys angrily, they were all foodies!I actually ate tens of thousands of them in one night!

In fact, what Nalan Yue didn't know was that the essence of the magic crystal she refined yesterday was equivalent to absorbing tens of thousands of magic crystals.

Nalan Yue frowned, and piled up all these magic crystal fragments in the sky above the medicine field.

All of a sudden, all the magic crystal shells fell down like water.

Most of these magic crystal shells still have residual aura in them, just like drinking a drink but there will always be a little leftover, and these remaining auras are perfect for cultivating medicinal materials!
After finishing these tasks, Nalan Yue came out of the space bracelet directly.

At this moment, Nalan Yue's body is sleeping on the bed, people who don't know will definitely think that Nalan Yue is sleeping, but in fact
Nalan Yue's soul was always in the space bracelet.

Nalan Yue quickly got up to have breakfast, and after explaining to Lu'er, she came out of the yard directly.

Of course, there are naturally two child papers following the left and right Dharma protectors.

Today she not only went to the auction to deliver pills, but also sent pills to Ye Jin.

Not only did he give her the Shura Token, but also the Hundred Thousand Magic Crystals and the Colorful Heart Lotus, she should do something no matter what.

As for Ye Jin knowing that she will refine this mysterious pill, Nalan Yue feels that she has no need to worry at all. If he can expose the identity of the master of Shura Palace to her eyes, then she is just refining a medicine Well, there's nothing to hide.

Of course this is only for him!
Soon, Nalan Yue walked into the bustling imperial city. There was an extraordinary stream, with blue bricks and red tiles, especially like the street painting style in mobile games.

When she reached a place where no one was around, Nalan Yue stopped and raised her eyes to look at a dense treetop not far from her.

The guardians on the left and right were silent, and looked at Nalan Yue in confusion.

Nalan Yue crossed her arms, and glanced at the two with a half-smile, "Come out!"

The guardians on the left and right jumped down from the tree immediately, and clasped their fists at Nalanyue, "What's your order, Miss San?"

(End of this chapter)

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