Chapter 195 He Must Know Her
She doesn't want to reveal her identity and cause countless troubles for herself.

She is not afraid of trouble, but if there is too much trouble, even a god will be troubled!

Xiao Ziyu obviously thought of this too, and didn't insist on it anymore, and directly ordered the steward of the auction house who was guarding the door to send Nalanyue off.

The steward of the auction house said with a smile and respect, "Miss please."

Nalan Yue nodded slightly, then went directly downstairs, passed through the hall of the auction house and walked outside.

Upstairs, Xiao Ziyu was leaning alone by the window. At this time, his eyebrows and eyes were no longer as warm as before, but the corners of his mouth were raised evilly, and there was an inexplicable strangeness in his whole body.

Xiao Ziyu raised his eyes and looked at Nalan Yue outside the window, there was no trace of warmth in his eyes, they became very deep and very enchanting.

Underneath, Nalan Yue was walking forward, when suddenly she stopped and felt a line of sight staring at her closely from behind.

At the same time, a gust of wind blew past, lifting the black veil hanging from the brim of Nalan Yue's hat, and immediately revealed more than half of her face that was as elegant as a bud, her skin was creamy and flawless.

Beside the window, Xiao Ziyu's heart trembled, his eyes fixed on her exposed face.

For a moment, Xiao Ziyu felt as if something in his chest exploded in his mind!

Why!Why does he have a familiar feeling!Yes, she is the girl who followed Ye Jin!

But, no!wrong!He didn't find her familiar because of this, it was a kind of familiarity that screamed from the bottom of his bones!

He must know her!must!
Pictures suddenly appeared in Xiao Ziyu's mind, but each picture was a sporadic fragment, tormenting his brain nerves severely.

"Hmm..." Xiao Ziyu couldn't help pressing his head down, leaning against the wall next to him, a pair of pupils suddenly flashed a purple light.

It is the color of amethyst, shining with enchanting and charming light, as if it can suck the whole person in.

The demeanor around him suddenly changed, as if it was the other shore flower blooming beside the Naihe Bridge!
The steward of the auction house who came back from delivering Nalan Yue was frightened when he saw his young master like this, "Young...Young master?"

Xiao Ziyu raised his head abruptly, at this time his eyes had returned to black, and the rage and evil spirit all over his body had completely disappeared!

But his voice was still piercingly cold, "Go and look up the girl just now! I want to know all her information!"

The steward of the auction house didn't dare to show his air, so he hurriedly responded.

My young master has become moody since he came back from the Devil Forest last time, as if he was a different person!

After the steward left, Xiao Ziyu crushed the teacup in his hand with a "bang," and the fragments stuck into his skin, and blood flowed out instantly.

Who is she! ! !Why did it make him so familiar!And why can't he remember anything!

At this time, Nalan Yue frowned, reached out and tore off the blown black veil to cover her small face, turned her head and looked back but did not find anyone staring at her.

Could it be that she felt wrong?Nalan Yue was suspicious, but out of the corner of her eyes, she saw a few mercenary-like people following her.

boring!Do it again!Nalan Yue looked at the sky speechlessly, this Xiao Ziyu was too dishonest!
Nalan Yue thought so in her heart, but the soles of her feet had already left quickly with strange steps.

The few mercenaries behind also quickly followed.

Nalan Yue's footsteps were unusually strange, and the people behind her were dazed, not knowing which direction to chase.

nonsense!After all, she is also a generation of killer queens, alright, alright, although she is a bit weak in this different world, she can still drop people at the very least!
(End of this chapter)

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