Chapter 207 What is the attribute?

Nalan Yue nodded, concentrated her mind, drew out a stream of aura from her body and slowly scattered it on the test stone.

There was a trace of sweat in her palms, and she couldn't help swallowing, with anticipation and nervousness in her heart.

You must know that after being promoted to a warrior, the attributes stimulated in the body cannot be changed. Now is the time to witness a miracle... Ahem, it's time to reveal her attributes!
Nalan Yue fixed her eyes on the transparent test stone in her hand that looked like a drop of water.

Ye Jin is also looking at this test stone closely at this moment, he expects more than anyone else that Yue'er's body will stimulate a good attribute!
On the other hand, the test stone in Nalanyue's hand, with the input of Nalanyue's aura, it first changed from transparent to five colors, and then changed to seven colors in the blink of an eye. The light of the colors became more dazzling, just like a rainbow generally.

Ye Jin's phoenix eyes contained a hint of excitement, and sure enough, as he thought, Yue'er should be...

But in the blink of an eye, something unexpected happened again!
"Ding——" Suddenly, the test stone made a slight sound, and the whole stone turned into a black mass in an instant, so black that it seemed to drip ink.

"How could this be?" Nalan Yue questioned, looking at the test stone with his fingers.

Ye Jin's phoenix eyes also flickered slightly, the bottom of the eyes gradually deepened, and his sword eyebrows frowned.

Nalan Yue continued to shoot spiritual energy at the test stone, but the test stone remained unchanged.

She was not discouraged and tried several times, but the test stone did not respond, and it was still as black as ink.

"Am I really useless?" Nalan Yue frowned, wondering.

No wonder she found out that she was in good health but the original owner couldn't cultivate. Is it because she couldn't stimulate the attributes in her body?
Ye Jin took a step forward, took the test stone in her hand, looked at it with her phoenix eyes in doubt, "Maybe it's broken."

"How could my little Yue'er be useless?" Ye Jin patted Nalan Yue's shoulder comfortingly, then went to the corner and picked up a test stone again.

Nalan Yue took the test stone, took a deep breath, and once again focused on sending the spiritual power of her body to it.

The test stone once again burst into dazzling colorful light, and the color became a little bit heavier as if it could drip water.

Nalan Yueqing's eyes were a little apprehensive, and she stared at the test stone closely.

Ye Jin was silent and watched the scene quietly.

It's a pity that God seems unwilling to stand on Nalan Yue's side anymore.

There was another "ding", and the originally dazzling test stone turned black again, as if it had been turned off.

"I'll go!" Nalan Yue almost wanted to swear, what kind of attribute do you have to tell me!
What the hell is that!
Ye Jin was still holding the black test stone just now in his hand, and he held it in front of his eyes, looking thoughtful.

Ye Jin also poured his aura into it, but the test stone didn't even move, as if oil and salt didn't get in.

Looking at his movements, Nalan Yue couldn't help asking, "Has this kind of thing happened before?"

Ye Jin frowned deeper and deeper, and shook her head slightly, "I've never heard of such a thing happening to the test stone!"

Nalan Yue waved her hand helplessly, well, this is the first time that she actually gave it to herself.

"It's okay, maybe this piece is also bad." Ye Jinfeng said comfortingly as if there were stars falling from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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