Chapter 224 Unprepared
But accidents always happen so suddenly, people are caught off guard—on the towering old tree, there is a pair of cold and vicious eyes hidden. She is dressed in black, but she is petite, and she hides very well among the shadows of the whirling trees.

This person is the noble and holy Lan Xin'er, who failed to assassinate Nalan Yue the first time, and is about to fail the second time, how could she accept it!

So she decided to do it herself, yes!She just wanted to kill this bitch in front of Brother Ye, so that he could stop thinking about it completely!

At this moment, Lan Xin'er had already pulled up the longbow in her hand, and her pair of beautiful eyes, which were often tinged with immortality, had become gloomy and hot.

The string on the arrow was already taut, Lan Xin'er loosened it with her fingers.

Immediately, "Whoosh..." The faint blue arrow feathers came through the air, tearing through the air and going straight to Nalan Yue's back.

Standing low, Nalan Yue suddenly felt the danger from behind like a poisonous snake!

Nalanyue's palms broke out in cold sweat, and she seemed to be frozen by the arrow feather on her back, and she couldn't move at all!
Yes, the spiritual power on the arrow feathers seems to carry the aura of heaven and earth, imprisoning Nalan Yue in place!
Nalan Yue tasted death for the second time!

The guardians on the left and right screamed, and rushed over immediately to block the arrows for Nalanyue, "Three sisters!"

But on the treetop, the viciousness in Lan Xin'er's eyes was unsightly, she couldn't help but sneer from the bottom of her heart.

Nalan Yue is the well-known heart-eating arrow in the mainland. As long as the person is shot by the heart-eating arrow, the soles of the feet will be fixed in place like nails.

At this time, the arrow was already an arm's length away from Nalan Yue's back!

Nalan Yue already deeply felt the breath of death, she subconsciously wanted to escape, but the soles of her feet seemed to be covered with super glue!
She is already preparing to terminate the contract with Shenshu Little Phoenix...

"Yue'er—" Ye Jin's heart-piercing roar was transmitted from afar.

At that moment, Nalan Yue seemed to see the scene where the mountains and rivers were shaking, the waves were turbulent, and the sky was about to split. His roar was so powerful!
Nalan Yue smiled lightly at him, a thin layer of water vapor filled the bottom of her eyes, leaving a trace of regret in her heart.

When she already understood her thoughts, she had no chance to speak out!
Perhaps this is God's punishment for her painstaking efforts...

But a miracle happened again—like that night, the piercing pain did not come, but was replaced by a warm embrace with a minty fragrance, which smelled like chewing gum!

But those arms, which were like big shelves, were firmly protecting her, preventing her from being hurt at all.

But what was the thick hot thing on her hand? Nalan Yue mechanically raised her hand, and immediately caught a glimpse of the startling blood red in her palm.


is blood……

A lot of blood...

There were also exclamations from the two guardians on the left and right, and the ear-shattering and distressing voice "Master..."

Nalan Yue suddenly opened her eyes, her heart sank to the bottom of the valley, her heart was full of uneasiness, apprehension... and deep fear!
yes!She is afraid!She was afraid that Ye Jin was really what she thought!
Nalan Yue felt that she was about to suffocate, she couldn't think about it anymore, she felt that she would go crazy!
It took a lot of effort for her to break free from his hands, turn her head around, and hug him behind her back!
"Ye Jin!" Nalan Yue yelled in horror. Under the moonlight of the disastrous defeat, a dark blue arrow feather was inserted straight into Ye Jin's back, and the whole back was covered with shocking black blood!

There is poison on the arrow feathers!
Ye Jinjun's face was paler than the moonlight, his lips were pursed into a straight line, his phoenix eyes slightly lifted his eyelids, and he looked at Nalanyue dotingly in his eyes, as if he had exhausted all his strength to call out her name , like a gossamer, "Yue'er, I love you!"

He slowly closed his eyes, his body was gradually getting colder!

Nalan Yue's throat seemed to be blocked, and the tip of her nose could no longer breathe, her heart seemed to be struggling, and the dense pain almost broke her heart!

She felt that if she didn't say anything, she could find a piece of tofu and bump into it!

Nalan Yue held Ye Jin's hand tightly, growling like a beast facing despair, "Ye Jin, actually... Actually, I've already fallen in love with you... It's just... It's just that I haven't been willing to admit it!"

(End of this chapter)

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