Chapter 229 I really want to eat it in one bite

"Miss San!" The guards on the left and right immediately exclaimed, and they grabbed Na Lanyue's arm so that she would not fall to the ground.

Guardian Zuo glanced at the two pharmacists over there with cold eyes, "What are you still doing in a daze! Why don't you hurry over and take a look, if something happens to her, will Lord Jin let you go?"

The two alchemists were startled by Nalan Yue's healing of Ye Jin's injury, but now they were stunned by another roar.

The impatient Right Protector simply dragged the two of them over, and threw them in front of Nalan Yue, "She's going to have an accident, don't worry about it!"

Yaoshi Mo and Yaoshi Ding finally came to their senses and looked at Nalanyue.

The two of them stroked their beards and said in unison, "She can't die!"

Although I really hate that this girl robbed the two of them, but we must also take into account King Jin's brutal reputation!

Guardian You immediately glared at the two of them angrily, "Come here, see off the guests!"

If it weren't for the fact that they are pharmacists, the Right Guardian would have already stabbed them with a sword!
Yaoshi Mo and Yaoshi Ding shook their sleeves and left angrily, daring not to speak out because this is King Jin's territory!
Ye Jin, who is that!Would a pharmacist care about someone who even his own emperor Lao Tzu didn't care about?
After the two outsiders left, Zuo Hufa looked at everyone's faces coldly, "No one can spread the news of today's incident, otherwise, they will be killed without mercy!"

Everyone nodded in fear and spread the word, who dares to do that!
There's no way Ye Jin's fierce reputation is too great!

Then, Zuo Hufa cupped his fists towards Nalanyue, "I'm offended, Miss San." Then he carried her onto a stretcher and sent her into the room.

At this moment, Nalan Yue has fallen into a coma due to the exhaustion of spiritual energy. Her soul has subconsciously entered the phoenix bracelet, and she is lying quietly on Oufeng's big bed.

The most unimaginable thing is that a golden halo gradually floated around her. The strong golden color is like the scorching sun in midsummer, full of full aura, tightly wrapping Nalan Yue in it.

As if... as if he was healing her wounds!

Although Nalan Yue was already in a coma, she still felt that something was faintly recovering the spiritual energy lost in her body and the internal and external injuries suffered by the attack.

She wanted to open her eyes to look, but it was as if a huge rock had been crushed on her eyes, and her eyelids didn't even have the strength to tremble slightly!

Gradually, Nalan Yue lost all senses and completely fell into a coma.

It took an unknown amount of time before Nalan Yue opened her eyes, the clear pupils were like a secluded spring.

What caught the eye was the misty darkness, hanging in the air in clusters.

night?She still remembered that when she helped Ye Jin take out the Heart-eating Arrow, it was almost dawn!
So this should be the night of the second day... Judging by the dim moon outside, it is probably already the middle of the night now!

Nalan Yue made some calculations, squinted her eyes, and her vision gradually became clearer.

In the faint darkness, Nalan Yue finally saw where she was. Is it a gorgeous room?

No, no, this seems to be a palace?The surrounding layout is very gorgeous and exquisite, with a combination of ancient China and European retro!

The most special thing is that the body gets out of this bed, which is as soft as the clouds in the sky, and the gauze hanging from the four corners flutters, making everything foggy.

It should, oh no!It is absolutely comparable to the emperor's bedroom!

And... Nalan Yue was startled suddenly, because a powerful long arm was resting on the back of her head, and a pair of slender hands were around her waist!
Holding her in a fiery embrace, Nalan Yue could even hear his heartbeat beside him.

And that nice and fresh mint flavor, like chewing gum, I really want to eat it in one bite...

 The author said: Thank you, Jing, crying does not mean that you are not strong, the rewards of the two friends!Wow!
  I wish all the little readers a happy new year ~ there are a lot of red envelopes!Good night! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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