Chapter 257 Bullying the New Demon Pet

Nalan Yue looked at him and smiled, she just loved his unconditional and unlimited pampering spirit!

Occasionally!With Ye Nan Shen Ma Ma, I no longer have to worry about my lifelong happiness!
As for the little guy, the elemental pet, oh no, it should be called Xiaobai now——Xiaobai secretly glanced at Ye Jin, complaining, I despise you, you are a wife and slave!
Ye Jin glanced over coldly, and Xiao Bai immediately shrank into a small snowball.

Nalan Yue lifted it and directly stuffed it into the phoenix bracelet.

Xiaobai immediately fell into the space bracelet with his butt upside down, with tears in his eyes, and then he shouted again, "Phoenix bracelet! Phoenix bracelet! It's actually a phoenix bracelet!"

Xiaobai entertained himself and danced on the grass in the space, but he didn't notice the guys like Xiaofenghuang, they surrounded him, showing malicious eyes one by one.

Little Phoenix is ​​the boss, flapping Xiaobai with his wings, "I heard you can spit out elemental crystals?"

Immediately after was the little god tree, "Hurry up and vomit!"

It's all a contract, so all of them can hear the words of the little god tree.

The last is the little dagger, "Hurry up, or I will give you some color!"

The small dagger also shook its sharp blade.

Xiaobai fell to the ground, looked up at a group of monsters who were many times taller than him, and said tearfully, "You bully people..."

"We're just bullying you!" The three little guys who usually don't get along said in unison.

Nalan Yue heard a few little guys arguing, there was a black line on her forehead.

Does this count as bullying newcomers?

In the end, Xiaobai's strength alone was of course no match for Little Phoenix and the others, so he had to obediently take out the elemental crystals he had recently saved to please the three little guys.

Exactly three, all fire element spar, one for each person.

Little Phoenix stared at it viciously, "So few?"

Xiaobai circled his body into a ball, looking like he was about to cry, "That's all. With my current ability, I can only spit out one a month!"

Nalanyue couldn't stand it anymore, so she directly used the contract connection to tell Little Phoenix and the others, "Shut up, don't bully the newcomers!"

Three little phoenixes: "..." We are not bullying newcomers, but new magic pets!
Nalan Yue didn't care about them any more, and sat with Ye Jin on the ground covered with a soft blanket.

Ye Jin embraced her slender waist, and rested her graceful chin on her head.

There is no starry sky, only the swaying bonfire, but a touch of warmth is enough!

The night passed quickly... The bright sunlight leaked through the gaps in the dense leaves.

The low light and shadows are mottled, and the roar of monsters can be faintly heard in the distance, as well as the conversations of practitioners.

Nalan Yue got up and took a deep breath of fresh air. Over there, Ye Jin had already packed her things and was ready to leave at any time.

Nalan Yue smiled at him, "Where shall we go next?"

Ye Jin took her jade hand and walked forward, "Go to the deep part."

And where they are now is the shallow part inside the Devil's Forest.

Nalan Yue nodded and walked side by side with him.

Little Fenghuang and the others couldn't bear the loneliness, they ran out of the space bracelet screaming.

Three, oh, more Xiaobai now became four little guys, jumping on the ground in an instant.

"Master, we also want to practice!"

Nalan Yue frowned, then looked at Ye Jin again.

Looking at the shining faces of the three little guys, it doesn't look like they are going to practice, not to mention that they are all treasures of heaven and earth, how many people are spying on them...

(End of this chapter)

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