Chapter 259

Nalanyue stood up from the ground, her clear eyes sneered, through the blow just now, Nalanyue had already seen the weak point of this ugly bear - stomach!
As the saying goes, if a big snake hits seven inches, it can be easily defeated as long as it hits its weak point. Of course, this is what the same level says!

Even if you know the weakness of a monster that is too much higher than yourself, it will be difficult to kill it.

Uh uh... In fact, it is not too difficult to ascend to the sky in any world!
Now let’s get down to business—seeing that he had failed in his blow, the clown bear jumped angrily and hammered his chest like a gorilla!

That berserk look more like a child who couldn't get candy, Nalan Yue was speechless for a while.

Is this to fight or not to fight!

Clown Bear: "..." Must fight!Its flowery beauty is all ruined!
The clown bear is really going crazy now, and it has an earth attribute. Isn't it the land that has the most devil forests here?

So for a moment, clods several meters high rose from the ground, yellow smoke billowed, and countless clods attacked like Nalan Yue.

Nalan Yue didn't panic, neither did Ye Jin on the tree, he believed that her Yue'er would be able to resist it!
Nalanyue's expression was indifferent, maybe it was the habit of being a killer, which made Nalanyue's head clearer and calmer when facing danger!

Nalan Yue calmly mobilized the spiritual energy in her body, an invisible sword was formed instantly, and a transparent protective cover suddenly appeared around the sword.

Countless flying sand and rocks attacked Nalanyue, and Nalanyue secretly exerted spiritual power to control the sword.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The sound of the mud being smashed by the sword was deafening.

The small dagger also joined the battle, chopping the dirt with a "swipe".

An artifact is an artifact, crushing mud is like chopping Chinese cabbage!
Soon all the clods were smashed, and the invisible sword in Nalan Yue's hand also attacked the clown bear.

"Whoosh—" the sword cut through the air, coming menacingly.

The clown bear immediately condensed another huge clod to resist in front of him.

Nalan Yue secretly increased her spiritual power, and the invisible sword collided with the mud in an instant, causing both sides to scatter.

The clods of mud disappeared, and so did the invisible sword!

Nalan Yue frowned, sure enough one more star was like one more mountain, there was still a gap between her and the clown bear.

Over there, the clown bear walked towards Nalan Yue viciously, every step he took, the ground trembled.

Nalan Yue snorted coldly, and stuffed a few western medicines to restore aura into his mouth.

At this time, if someone saw Nalan Yue's actions like this, they would definitely vomit three liters of blood. The price of this mysterious elixir has already been skyrocketed, almost a million gold a piece!
Girl, you don't have to eat like jelly beans!

After swallowing the elixir, the spiritual energy from the previous battle instantly replenished.

Nalan Yue clenched the small dagger tightly with her fingers, and rushed towards the clown bear again, attacking its stomach straightly.

The clown bear seemed to know that Nalan Yue had already known its weakness, and immediately condensed a clod of soil, wrapping it tightly around its stomach like an armor.

All the actions were completed almost in the blink of an eye, and Nalan Yue couldn't stop it at all.

The small dagger in his hand had already pierced its stomach, and there was a piercing sound of "stab-la--", as if it had been scratched on an iron plate, sparks were splashed.

Fuck!When did the soil become so hard, you little dagger, you are a magic weapon, you can't even break through this soil!

Little Dagger: I'm just a half-baked artifact!
(End of this chapter)

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