Chapter 264 The prince failed to brush his face

Nalan Yue and Ye Jin walked towards where Chu Can was - at this moment, Chu Can was lying on the ground dying, looking disgusted, like a dead dog!
Oh, and it's still a eunuch now!
For a scumbag, it would be too cheap for him to die too painfully!
Chu Can looked at them with a little horror, covering his empty lower body with both hands.

", I'm the cousin of Miss Shangshufu..."

"Shut up!" Nalan Yue stepped on his hand, "Is Shang Shufu ruthless? It's rare that you don't know who he is?"

As he spoke, he pointed at Ye Jin.

Chu Can is just a dude, relying on that little relationship, how could he meet Ye Jin!

So... Chu Can said very honestly, "How do I know who he is!"

Nalan Yue hooked the corners of her lips and looked at Ye Jin, "My lord, your brushing your face seems to have failed!"

Ordinarily, Lord Shura's name is even louder than this "well-known" trash like her!

Judging from the reaction of those people on the street when they saw Ye Jin, they almost all ran away... But the ugly man in front of him, who screamed, didn't know him...

The corners of Ye Jin's eyes were raised, showing a charming arc, "Yue'er, you have to know that there are always some people in this world who have never seen the world..."

But suddenly, Ye Jin's voice changed, and her voice was thin and cold, "It's okay, you will know who this king is when you get to hell!"

Ye Jin condensed a fiery red hot sword in his hand, and struck towards Chu Can who was on the ground - but in the blink of an eye, a strange force actually bounced the fiery sword away.

Suddenly, the fiery red sword shot towards Ye Jin, even the power was much stronger than before!

"Ye Jin! Be careful!" Nalan Yue exclaimed, thousands of silver needles set off together, and the aura cooperated to block the fiery red sword!

"Whoosh—" The fiery red sword shot straight at Ye Jin.

Obviously, Nalan Yue's strength just now was no more than a mantis arm.

On the other hand, Ye Jin dodged calmly, and the fiery red sword passed him by, and shot at the ancient tree beside him.

"Boom—" With a huge sound, the fire sword pierced through dozens of ancient trees, and fell down with a "crackling..."!

Rapid, violent, like a sudden heavy rainstorm!
Gu Shu: You can get hit by a sword while lying down!injustice……

Nalanyue secretly heaved a sigh of relief, the heart hanging in her throat could finally come down.

But doubts also followed. It was obviously the sword that attacked the ugly man, why suddenly...

Grass!Why are there no more people!
Nalan Yue turned her head, looked at the empty ground, and frowned.

If it wasn't for the presence of bloodstains on the ground, I would never have imagined that there was someone here just now!
Ye Jin strolled over, her twinkling phoenix eyes were condensed, "Damn it, he must have something to protect his life, he ran away!"

Cut the weeds without removing the roots, blow the wind and it will regenerate!Isn't this the time to let the tiger go back to the mountain...

Nalan Yue comforted her softly, her clear eyes sparkled, "Soldiers come to block you, water comes to cover you with earth. Could it be that you are still afraid of him?"

Ye Jin nodded lightly, she had already made up her mind to kill him after returning home!

Anyone who dared to call him Yue'er had one word - die!

And it's the ugliest way to die!
Nalan Yue walked over to Little Phoenix and the others again, not letting them go before just to let them have a longer memory.

Fortunately, what they met this time was a group of idiots. If they were caught by some expert, it would be a deadly rhythm!
Untie the catch net and release the three little phoenixes.

Of course, Nalan Yue has already taken possession of such a precious thing as the catch net!

(End of this chapter)

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