Chapter 268 Moon Version Prophecy Emperor

It's just that it wasn't the poisonous bee that hit it, but...

The two continued to walk forward, and from time to time one or two monsters came out to fight the autumn wind.

But I just didn't see the poisonous bee!Not even a shadow!

According to records, the nests of highly poisonous bees are usually on trees, but don't think that they are like ordinary beehives!

The highly poisonous bees are very delicate and ruthless, and they all live in holes in old trees.

Is it possible to find them tree by tree?

Nalan Yue raised her head and looked at the towering ancient trees, she couldn't laugh or cry in her heart, come on, she is not a monkey who is good at climbing trees!
What's more, this huge devil's forest has as many trees as sand... It's purely a needle in a haystack!
This is so much less likely than the chance of being hit by a poisonous bee...

But surprises often appear when you don't expect them!
(Nalanyue complained: Isn't this nonsense, if you think about it, is it a surprise?)

But at this moment - there was a commotion in front, the sound of chaotic and hurried footsteps, and the sound of "buzzing" buzzing!

Nalan Yue and Ye Jin looked at each other, what the hell, could it be a poisonous bee...

At this moment, the noise over there was getting closer and closer!
Both Nalan Yue and Ye Jin turned their gazes to that side, and sure enough, a group of obese and highly poisonous bees with thorns on their heads were rushing over.

As for the few teenagers who were chased and killed by the poisonous bees, they all ignored them by coincidence.

wipe!Really poisonous bees...

"Yue'er, you are about to become the Emperor of Prophecy!" Ye Jin smiled indulgently, his eyes filled with tears and laughter.

Who would have thought that a sentence that was said unintentionally could come true... What a character!
Nalan Yue coughed lightly, a trace of surprise and joy crossed her heart.

Damn it, my sister's personality exploded!

Over there, a few teenagers who were ignored as scum waved at them desperately, with hope shining in their eyes-"Hey, you two, save us!"

"It's for you! Stop!"

"Hurry up and save this young master..."

The teenagers in fancy clothes were all in such a state of distress at the moment, their clothes were torn, but their tone of asking for help was arrogant, as if Nalan Yue and Ye Jin were their servants!

Especially with a group of menacing poisonous bee swarms behind him!

Nalan Yue was about to be laughed out of anger, it was the first time she saw someone asking for help in such an arrogant tone!
Is this the rhythm of not dying fast enough!

And judging by their clothes and appearance, they are not Chinese.

They have tall noses and big eyes, and brown hair. They look like children from the neighboring Chu Kingdom!
"Whoosh~" The poisonous bee started to attack!
For a while, the sky was full of poisonous needles!

One of the teenagers was unfortunately hit by a poisonous needle from a highly poisonous bee, and fell to the ground in an instant, foaming at the mouth, twitching, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

"Why are you still standing still! Why don't you hurry up and save this young master..." The blue-robed boy who ran the fastest in front had a ferocious expression on his face!

The arrogant tone made people want to slap them on the wall!

fuck your sister!My sister can't be saved!
Nalan Yue raised her lips, and a sly gleam flashed in her eyes.

Those who are familiar with her will know that this is the rhythm of Nalan Yue's trick!
"This is a highly poisonous bee, let's not wade into the muddy water!" Nalan Yue grabbed Ye Jin's arm and shook his head embarrassingly.

After finishing speaking, he pulled Ye Jin to leave.

Since you want to ask for help and are so arrogant, then show some sincerity!

Although she was sent the poisonous bee she needed most...but how could it be possible!
A slight smile flashed across Ye Jinjun's face, his princess wanted to deceive others, and he was willing to be her accomplice!
One of the characteristics of poisonous bees is that they like to form groups and gangs, and once they find their target, they will chase them to the ends of the world.

To use one word to describe it is, never die!

I don't know how these unlucky children got into trouble...

Therefore, the highly poisonous bees would only look for the target that provoked them, and would not care whether Nalan Yue and the others left or stayed here.

The group of teenagers who were under the attack of the poisonous bees were all dumbfounded. They had seen those who would not save themselves, but they had never seen such desperate ones!
Moreover, the attack of the poisonous bee behind him became more and more violent, and two more companions fell down!
 The author said: Thank you, Xuemeizhi for your reward!Wave ~ good night!

(End of this chapter)

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