Chapter 273 Then Kill

Nalan Yue pursed her lips coldly and sarcastically.

Immediately afterwards, he smiled gracefully, and said loudly to the silent male god beside him, "Ye male god, they seem to be reneging on their debts!"

Ye Jin's cold phoenix eyes glanced at them, fierce and arrogant, as if he was a god in the sky.

And those people, except for Yue'er, are a group of humble ants, and it is an insult to look at them more!
Immediately, many people were frightened by this look and fell silent, even Murong Xuan shut up embarrassingly.

God!It turns out that there are really people in this world, and a single look can be so aggressive!
Ye Jin's indifferent tone implied bloodlust, "Then kill!"

Four words!awesomeness!Murderous!
But his tone of voice can be so cold, like moonlight, he is worthy of being the legendary cruel prince!
At this time, no one dared to doubt what Ye Jin said. For some reason, this man had an innate domineering and convincing power!
It's the feeling of being king!

Realizing that they will be dealt with again, the teenagers are in a hurry!

What nonsense, I just narrowly escaped death, and now I am going to die, shit, this cool reality makes people drunk just thinking about it!
Murong Xuan is the boss of the team and he is also a direct descendant, so a group of people looked at him, expecting him to make a decision.

Murong Xuan hesitated, calculating in his eyes, [-] magic crystals would wipe out their Murong family's wealth...

But if you don't give it, it will be a dead end!
At this time, Nalan Yue seemed to think that the scene was not chaotic enough, so she took out the mobile phone version of the locator from her hand.

"Would you like to play a recording for you to listen to?" Nalan Yue shook the locator in his hand playfully.

As early as the beginning, she turned on the recording function of the locator, which can record sounds just like modern recording applications.

In fact, Nalanyue wanted to start the video function and record it as a video, but Ms. Keng only needs to be a martial artist to watch it and enable it!
Just like the extra bamboo house in her space because the space was unsealed!
You need a martial artist level to open it!
When the teenagers and Murong Xuan saw the locator in her hand, a hint of surprise flashed in their eyes!
Because this locator can only be owned by the students of Qinglong College, and it will be returned to the school once they graduate!
Of course... if the grades are good, there will be natural exceptions if there is a relationship!
There is no way, such things as going through the back door through relationships exist in any world!
Don't ask them how they know, the eldest lady of the Murong family is a top student of Qinglong College, and she has a piece in her hand!
Murong Xuan immediately looked at Nalan Yue, to be more precise, at the locator in her hand, "Are you a student of Qinglong College?"

"No..." Nalan Yue raised her eyebrows, a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes.

Looking at the locator in his hand, could it be that this cell phone-like thing has something to do with Qinglong Academy?
Turning to look at Ye Jin questioningly, Ye Jin nodded slightly to her.

Nalan Yue understood, probably nine out of ten this thing came from Qinglong Academy, she really wanted to meet the person who invented this thing.Maybe it's her hometown - a modern person who came through time!

But how did Ye Jin get this?He is not a student of Qinglong College, and he has two at once!
However, now is clearly not the time to ask this.

Over there, a sneer flashed across Murong Xuan's mouth, "What are you pretending to be, you are not a student of Qinglong Academy, can you have this?"

 The author said: Wave your little hand ~ good night!

(End of this chapter)

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