Chapter 284 Privileges of Nobles

A smirk of success flashed across Ye Jinjun's face, and he dragged his little Yue'er towards the big screen in the center.

Nalan Yue was speechless for a while, bad friend!

Here, Meng Luo looked at Feng Chu speechlessly, this idiot couldn't even see such an obvious solicitation!
"Feng Chu, you really need to improve your brain!" Meng Luo, who has always been refined, couldn't help but swear!
Feng Chu is just a funny one!Still less brainy than funny!

"What... time! Ye Jiu, stop for me, I promise I won't kill you!" At this moment, Feng Chu finally came to his senses, staring at Ye Jin's back with hatred, and then at Meng Luo.

"Little Mencius is offended, now we still have to stand on the united front and fight Ye Jiu together!"

Meng Luo nodded, too lazy to argue with this foolish and funny boy!
In fact, Feng Chu is not stupid, he is just too lazy to think, and he usually does nothing, but if he is serious, he is more serious than anyone else!

The two ran towards Ye Jin and Nalan Yue. On the way, Feng Chu asked Meng Luo.

"But you haven't answered me yet, why do you always wear matching clothes with me!"

Meng Luo: "..." The wind is messy!

——The dividing line of the male god with a poisonous tongue——

Here, Ye Jin was leading Nalan Yue towards the building where the black screen was located, the golden wall glowed faintly.

The black LCD screen in the middle is turning on at the moment, and the black screen instantly brightens, as if the TV was opened wide.

A group of practitioners who came to participate in the competition stood below, and they immediately shouted, "It's turned on!"

"You can take the mission right away!"

"Hope you can be lucky enough to get a good mission in the first round!"

At this time, an old man in green also slowly walked up to the stage below the screen and began to speak.

There was a sudden silence in the audience, standing in line consciously, and every practitioner was listening very carefully.

The old man in green, Gu Dao Xianfeng, stroked his beard, "Let me announce that the Imperial City competition is now officially open. First of all, the rules of the competition..."

Foam was flying on the stage, but the audience was listening intently!

On the other hand, Nalan Yue and the two arrived at the building where the black screen was placed, and were about to enter the door on the left.

Nalan Yue looked up at Ye Jin, and asked in confusion, "Where are we going?"

Shouldn't they queue up to receive tasks like those cultivators below?
Ye Jin hooked the corners of her mouth, her face was calm, "Nobles always have privileges!"

Just one sentence, Nalan Yue instantly understood, and looking at the people below, they were indeed ordinary cultivators, without fancy clothes and backgrounds, they could only practice step by step on their own!

It seems that the outside is a place for civilians to receive tasks, while the hall inside is for noble people to receive tasks.

As Ye Jin said, nobles always have privileges!But strength is the fundamental factor that determines everything!

Ye Jin dragged Nalan Yue in. The hall was very large, with carved beams and painted buildings. The light golden color was very eye-catching, and there was a luxurious and royal atmosphere everywhere.

Even here, I can't feel the hot air outside at all, it's cool and cool, and the incense of Wanjin is lit, and there are melon and fruit snacks around!

Those who don't know would think that some kind of banquet is being held here!

This is the privilege of nobility!
But after a while, Nalan Yue will fully see what is the real noble privilege!
Like the outside, there is also a black screen hanging on the wall inside the hall, but it is much smaller than the outside!

Many reserved young masters and ladies dressed in fancy clothes gathered around the screen, laughing and chatting in low voices.

(End of this chapter)

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