Chapter 291 Master Guoshi is amazing

Obviously he knew who did it!
Here, a group of brats all lowered their heads and remained silent.

Nonsense!If you dare to expose King Jin, go yourself!
Anyway, they dare not!
Seeing them like this, the elder in blue immediately became angry, "No one will admit it, so..."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Jin took a step forward and interrupted him indifferently, "This king did it, do you have any objections?"

Immediately afterwards, his eyes slid to Master Guoshi, "Or do you have an opinion?"

With such an arrogant tone, it is estimated that the entire Hua Kingdom will not be able to find a second one.

Nalan Yue wiped his sweat deeply for him, so that the elder in blue really won't get a heart attack from anger?

Sure enough—the blue-clothed elder pulled his old face, red and white intertwined, obviously very angry.

He has lived most of his life without being held up by others all the time, how could he have suffered such birdishness!

Arrogant!Arrogant!It's just too arrogant!
"Opinion?", Master Guoshi said coldly, "Of course I have an opinion!"

Upon hearing this, the blue-clothed elder's expression softened immediately, revealing a look of hopefulness.

The group of brats couldn't help smiling gloatingly, especially the princes.

What they hate the most is Ye Jin, who is loved by his father!Isn't it just a good mother and concubine on the stand, amazing!

On the other hand, Ye Jin stood calmly with her hands behind her back, her gleaming phoenix eyes directly facing the black eyes of Shang Guoshi.

At the same time, Nalan Yue also looked at this great master who was full and had nothing to do!

Tell me, are you so busy that you just gave my sister a nonsense title of guardian goddess!

What patron saint to guard?
The corners of the Great Master's lips twitched slightly, a dazzling golden light flashed in his eyes, and this girl complained about him again in her heart!
He raised his eyes slightly, and glanced over Nalanyue's face, and suddenly - Nalanyue was stunned, for some reason, he felt a tingling sensation in his scalp.

It's like being overheard!
Cough cough... how could this be, he is not a master of the system, could it be possible that he can read minds?
No, no, he is a national teacher, a fortune teller, he should be able to figure it out!Hey!

Nalan Yue laughed dryly, and directly looked away.

The Great Master's eyes fell on Ye Jin again, and his voice was flat, "Everyone has been beaten, why don't you throw him away?

"The smell of blood is so strong, how can the national teacher have no objection!"

Everyone was stunned!
Even Nalan Yue looked at this fortune teller, oh no, it was the Great Master who looked at it differently!

What about punishing Ye Jin severely?

What do these words mean now... They don't understand how they are put together!

The thing that shocked them the most was still to come. They saw Nalan Mo who hit the wall and couldn't get it off with the domineering shake of his hand by the Master.

It was thrown into the air like a parabola, and "bang—" was also thrown from the window!

Coincidentally, it landed on the high platform where the old man in green was giving a speech, but the old man in green turned green with anger!
It was almost the same color as the green robe on her body!

"Come on, carry him away!", the old man in green sternly gritted his back molars and shouted!

Above, the blue-clothed elder was puzzled, and looked at the national teacher very puzzled, "Master national teacher, you..."

Elder Ziyi stood aside, stroking his beard quietly, without saying a word, but the wise eyes in his eyes seemed to be able to see everything.

The great master raised his hand to stop his words, the elder in blue sighed helplessly, and immediately stepped aside.

There is no other way, Master Guoshi dare not disobey him!
(End of this chapter)

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