Chapter 294 This pose

Even the faces of the Great Master and the two elders in Ziyi and Lanyi have changed a bit!
The eyeballs of people in the hall almost fell off!
The corner of the Great Master's mouth that was exposed outside the mask slightly twitched, and he shook his head helplessly and glanced at Nalanyue.

This girl!If you say it casually, it really hits the spot!
The posture of being thrown is really... tsk tsk!
Nalan Yue blinked her eyes slightly, her elegant little face was as innocent as it could be!
She didn't know how she just said it casually... like this!
What is it like?

Now, please look out of the window—the girl who was thrown down just now is lying on the high platform with disheveled clothes, in the shape of a "big" character!
The clothes may have accidentally got a waistband when they were thrown, and the skirt just fell apart!
The big white legs, the big red belly pocket, and the white undulations, combined with that seductive posture!

It's just too ecstasy!This appearance is no different from that of a prostitute!
You said, it was Ye Jin who threw it, so it must be his tricks!
Ha... well done though!
Nalan Yue cast a great look at him.

The latter, Ye Jin, shook her head slightly, her phoenix eyes sparkled innocently, indicating that she hadn't done anything wrong.

What a joke, he was a brutal prince of Asura, he just crushed her to death, why would he do that!

Nalan Yue's brows furrowed, and then they stretched out again, ha... If Ye Jin did better, then it means that she deserves retribution!
Hmph, I tell you to call my sister a waste!

On the stage, the little heart of the elder in green almost jumped out of his throat.

The passers-by who had come to participate in the Imperial City competition for four weeks couldn't help being stunned.

What the hell is this!

Throw one out of the window in no time!
And now suddenly a disheveled one came!This is the rhythm of what to do!

The elder in green was about to die of depression, he couldn't help raising his head to look at the window of the Royal Building, only to see the white-robed national teacher standing by the window, his expression immediately became respectful.

For a while, even the disheveled girl on the stage was ignored!

The elder in green was extremely shocked. How could the master of the national teacher, who had always lived reclusively, suddenly come here. You must know that although the national teacher is a judge, he will only attend the finals.

And now it's just the preliminary round, this national teacher is a bit strange!
Of course the elder in green would not know that the national teacher came here for a certain girl...

The national teacher naturally saw him, his eyes were calm, and his chin was raised slightly.

But with just one look, the green-clothed elder immediately understood what Master Guoshi meant, and immediately ordered people to carry the woman away to control the scene.

Royal Mansion - In the lobby.

Because of Ye Jin's reckless actions again, the elder in blue began to scold him staidly and stubbornly, "His Royal Highness King Jin, you must..."

Elder Ziyi waved his hand lightly, his expression calm, "Okay, clear the room, everyone go to the cubicle and wait!"

The elder in blue clothes was obviously not convinced that his words were interrupted, "Zi Yi, you..."

"Shut up! Both of you go out too!" The national teacher raised his eyelids greatly, and there was a mysterious power hidden in those calm eyes, which made people feel afraid for no reason and wanted to surrender!

"Yes." The purple-clothed elder grabbed the blue-clothed elder who was still talking, nodded to the national teacher, and left the hall with a group of brats.

The words of this mysterious and noble national teacher are comparable to an imperial decree from the emperor, and no one can refute it!
As the footsteps of a group of people gradually disappeared, the hall became extremely quiet in an instant!

(End of this chapter)

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