Chapter 298 Good luck to you
This is several times more difficult than the "ice and snow" herbal medicine she was looking for! !
"Cough...cough!" Sitting on the chair, the master of the national teacher couldn't help coughing twice, and the two guys were discussing the task of the competition in front of her!

After all, he is still the judge of this competition!

Isn't such an approach equivalent to cheating under the teacher's nose!
Ye Jin immediately looked over with a cold look, and raised her chin proudly!
Nalan Yue frowned at him displeased, your uncle, your throat is uncomfortable!

The National Teacher hates Nalan Yue the most because when she gets angry, some guard will beat him up!

So - the national teacher cleared his throat very unscrupulously, and said, "What my national teacher means is that you can discuss it later!"

Yep, he, the teacher, even personally warned the students about cheating.

Shouldn't it be the title of the world's best mentor?
Master of the National Teacher~ Have you ever said that you are actually a funny man!
Nalan Yue looked away speechlessly, and continued to say to Ye Jin, "Soul Soul Grass likes heat, and it usually grows in the crater of a volcano. You must wear special gloves to serve it."

Ye Jin nodded in understanding, and then began to collect fingerprints—"Ding Dong!" The system made a sound, "Fingerprint collection is complete, number 02."

The progress bar also appeared at this time, and it was ranked below Nalan Yue, which was also zero percent.

In the end, there are two beautiful boys, Feng Chu and Meng Luo, who each stepped forward and started to lead the task.

Fengchu's number was 03, and the task he drew was Snow Mountain——Snow Mountain Mission: Collect five icicle flowers.

Meng Luo's number is 04, and the task he drew is also Snow Mountain—Snow Mountain Mission: Collect five magic crystals of snowman monsters.

Feng Chu and Meng Luo looked at each other and smiled.

Feng Chu joked, "We are so lucky, not only is the difficulty the lowest, but we can also be with Sister-in-Law Xiaoyue'er!"

Nalan Yue: "..." Sister-in-law Xiaoyue?

Why does it sound weird?

"So what?" Ye Jin's unique cool voice, with a trace of coldness and jealousy~ floated far away!

This is sour and refreshing!
Ye Jin glared at the two of them idiotically, and decided to take out her trump card - grab her own Xiaoyue'er's white and tender little claws!

He proudly raised his eyebrows at the two of them, so what if they went to the snow mountain together, anyway, Xiaoyue'er will always be his!He drops!

Feng Chu and Meng Luo: "..." Childish!
But, wow~ I was hit again!

Hate showing affection!Hate showing affection!Hate showing affection!Say important things three times!
Nalan Yue muttered helplessly, and was about to pull out her hand, but the man's grip was really tight, "Ye Jin, restrain yourself!"

Ye Jin snorted arrogantly, but instead held Nalan Yue's small hands even tighter, her phoenix eyes squinted at her, with an expression of "you're upset, you bite me"!

sweat!Nalan Yue's head is full of black lines, male god, can you be a little colder!

At this moment, Master Daguo left his chair and waved his sleeves towards the big screen, and the screen immediately returned to the original interface.

The Great Master took a few steps forward, the silver mask on his face glowed faintly, and he looked at Nalan Yue with a smile that was not a smile, "Girl, I wish you good luck!"

Nalan Yue frowned suddenly, and looked at him suspiciously, why did she always feel that there was something in the words of this great national teacher?

How about asking him to do a divination?
Bah, no!More than ten years ago, she was talking nonsense about being a guardian goddess, but in the end, it turned out to be useless!
This also deeply proves the strength of the great master, um, the strength of nonsense!
(End of this chapter)

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