Chapter 309 Let's Bet
Hey~ The little witch has the most treasures in her space bracelet!I can dig a little more...

Nalan Yue glanced at Luo Zhenzhen with a half-smile, and then said to the old man, "Of course I want to buy it..."

"Wait!" Luo Zhenzhen yelled immediately, she must not let Nalan Yue buy it, otherwise what would happen if she made a bet!
Luo Zhenzhen gritted his teeth, took out a teleportation stone in pain, and threw it to the old man reluctantly, "I'll buy it! The teleportation stone is for you!"

The old man rolled his eyes and took the teleportation stone. Alas, he couldn't get the little witch's treasure... Well, what should this arrogant girl do without this stone!
Hey~ He saw clearly Nalan Yue's little moves before, so I'm looking forward to what's next!

This teleportation stone has been in her Luo family for hundreds of years, and it was only brought out by this experience, and it was replaced with a pile of broken stones and branches!

Luo Zhenxin was really hating, and looked at Nalan Yue coldly, "I bought something, I have to gamble!"

Nalanyue looked back at her as if she was looking at a fool, and said in a very generous tone, "Since you are so flattering me, then bet on it!"

Well, isn't it flattering to buy so many treasures for her?

If this girl knew that these were treasures, would she vomit three liters of blood?

Then, the jade hand moved towards the booth, and all those things were swept into the space bracelet immediately.

Little Phoenix and the others are sharing "food" there again!

Luo Zhenzhen was about to go mad with anger, why did she flatter this trash of hers!
Can you stop being so narcissistic!

"We'll just bet on this imperial city competition. If you don't complete the task, then kneel down to me in front of the entire imperial city!" Luo Zhenzhen said in a cold and angry voice, "Don't you dare?" dare!"

"Why don't you dare." Nalan Yue calmly shrugged and took a step closer, "If you lose, how about running around the entire imperial city naked~ three times?"

Kneeling VS streaking!

"Okay!" Luo Zhenzhen agreed without even thinking about it. Anyway, can this trash with no spiritual energy complete the task?
Haha, how is it possible!So this bet is a sure win!

This stupid waste, but soon Luo Zhenzhen knew who was stupid...

"Young Master Ben and Little Mencius are here to testify!" Over there, Feng Chu and Meng Luo rushed over after beating up the brat.

Nalan Yue nodded, and swept over Luo Zhenzhen meaningfully, "Well, just in case someone cheats!"

Luo Zhenzhen's lungs were about to explode from her anger, and he wished to tear her apart, "If you lose, you'd better not cry to King Jin!"

After saying a harsh word, Luo Zhenzhen immediately turned around and walked towards the side of the two companions who were beaten and fell into the heavy snow.

Nalan Yue raised the corners of her lips in disdain, and silently recited these three numbers in her heart - three, two, one!

Suddenly, the snow-capped mountain trembled, even accompanied by dense and heavy footsteps, like thunder!
In the distance, figures of these things gradually appeared, all of them looked like snowmen, but they were extremely ferocious!
Huge eyes the size of copper bells, a long nose like a carrot, and a bloody mouth, about two meters in length!
At this moment, it is rushing over ragingly and spectacularly, rolling up a snowflake.

"I'm going, it's a snowman monster!" Fengchu, a brat, exclaimed, "Little Mencius, isn't this your competition item!"

Meng Luo nodded, with a calm and indifferent expression, and drew out the long sword in his hand.

Only Nalan Yue and the white-bearded grandfather looked at the group of ugly yeti monsters calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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