Chapter 311

"Ah——" Luo Zhenzhen screamed suddenly, and when she got cold behind her, her clothes were torn by the snowman monster when she was distracted just now.

Most of the back is exposed, but the skin is too dark!
Feng Chu suddenly said, "Damn, long needle eyes!"

Meng Luo said in dismay, "This level will not let you have the eye of a needle."

"makes sense!"

Nalan Yue: "...".

Luo Zhenzhen was anxious and shy when he heard it, his face was like a palette, and he kept running without listening, but the distance between him and the snowman devil was gradually shortening!

"Help me! Help me..." Luo Zhenzhen had a thousand and ten thousand people who were not happy at this moment, but he lowered his head and shouted for help, "If I die, this bet cannot be carried out!"

Her eyes are still full of viciousness, disgusting!

Yes!Both Fengchu and Meng Luo looked at Nalanyue, are they going to save her?

But I don't want to...

Nalan Yue shook her head and looked at Luo Zhenzhen with a half-smile, "Compared to you running naked, I actually want you to die!"

Her tone was very steady and indifferent, as if she was talking about a very ordinary thing!

Luo Zhenzhen's eyebrows fell down in anger, and he stared at her bitterly, wishing he could slap her to death, "You bastard... ah! Help! Help!"

The snowman monster tore off Luo Zhenzhen's clothes with another claw, with too much force, a horrible bloodstain was drawn on the back!
Now, Luo Zhenzhen is really running naked~!

hateful!Damn it!But the most hateful thing is the teleportation stone that has been replaced by a bunch of stone branches!

If there is a teleportation stone, at least she can escape temporarily!
"Damn old man, return the teleportation stone to..." Luo Zhenzhen ran to the old man at a high speed, before he finished speaking, he screamed again, "Ah! Help!"

Chased away by the snowman devil again!

The old man raised his eyebrows and shook his head, "No refunds! I want to close the stall, old man!"

Luo Zhenzhen's hair was messed up, his clothes were disheveled, and he looked like a lunatic, "I'm so old...ah! Don't catch me!"

"Scrub!" The Yeti monster drew another bloody mark on her black back, causing her snot and tears to flow from the pain.

Luo Zhenzhen was dying and struggling to hit it with spiritual energy, but for the Yeti Monster, this little power was like a mantis holding a car!
Nalan Yue raised her chin to Meng Luo who was next to her, signaling that he could do something.

Meng Luo nodded, and an invisible spiritual energy pierced through the air and hit Luo Zhenzhen.

However, he didn't mean to kill her!
Instead——to save himself, Luo Zhenzhen exerted his last strength and attacked a snowman monster again.

"Bang—" This snowman monster was killed by her in one move!
Luo Zhenzhen looked at his palm in disbelief, obviously he couldn't shake the snowman monster just now, but now he can kill it instantly!
Haha... Maybe God is helping her!
She hurriedly slapped the monsters one by one, she was almost overjoyed, and looked at Nalanyue proudly.

See, God is helping her!
"Bang! Bang! Bang!" The five snowman monsters fell down!
This idiot!Nalan Yue raised the corners of her mouth sarcastically, God will help such a scum like her?
Give me a break!

"Let her play with the rest!" Nalan Yue said lightly, anyway, only five snowman monsters are needed in the mission!
A smile flashed across Meng Luo's eyes, he raised his hand, and withdrew the aura that had hit Luo Zhenzhen.

The poor little girl has no idea that these people are clearly killing people with a knife!
(End of this chapter)

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