Chapter 314 Smoke bombs

Only Nalan Yue raised a middle finger to his back, of course my sister will be lucky, so good!

You need a fortune teller to say it!
——The dividing line of the national division——

Over there, Feng Chu was looking for something on the snow covered with black mist, and suddenly called out to her, "Sister-in-law Xiaoyue'er, hurry up and find something!"

At the moment, Meng Luo was earnestly fetching the snow-capped monster crystal that was about to turn into a puddle of water. Seeing Feng Chu shouted, he quickly finished his actions and walked towards it.

Looking at the two beautiful boys like this, it seems that they didn't notice what happened just now. Also, time has been frozen, how could they feel it!
Nalan Yue withdrew her thoughts and walked towards the two of them. The white snow was stained with blood, and those snowman monsters had also turned into water.

"What discovery?" Nalan Yue's eyes fell on the black fragment in Feng Chu's hand, and she was puzzled, "What is this?"

Nalan Yue took the black shards and put them in front of her eyes, it looked like...the shards of a bomb!

And there will be black smoke again, could it be a smoke bomb?

Feng Chujun's face tensed, and he said bitterly, "It's a smoke bomb, someone must have taken that damn girl away!"

Nalanyue put aside the shrapnel, gave him a sympathetic look, and said with his eyes, you only know about children!
On one side, Meng Luo also looked at him sympathetically.

It's really a thick line. After observing for so long, they can guess a clue that they already knew.

Everything is boring!
Feng Chu jumped suddenly, and pointed at the two depressedly, "Did you already know! Why didn't you tell me!"

"You can't understand it with your brain!" Meng Luo glanced at him lightly, and put away the magic crystal of the yeti monster needed for the mission!

Feng Chu got angry. Isn't this just saying that his IQ is not enough, "Little Mencius, you uncle!"

The two got hurt together again, Nalan Yue had a headache, why are they so childish!

And Ye Jin is also naive, but thinking of Ye Nan God, should she send him a message?
Nalan Yue took out the locator and thought for a while, then typed out a few words and sent them.

Nalanyue: The male god of the night ~ whata!
After waiting for a long time without seeing a reply, Nalan Yue put away the locator, thinking that Ye Jin must have been delayed by something.

Otherwise, normally speaking, she would have received his reply message as soon as she sent it!
It's better to complete the task quickly, and then go back to meet your male god!

Nalan Yue looked at the two teenagers who were fighting again, and shook her head slightly, Nimei couldn't stop for a while!
This friendship is so compelling that it was pinched out!
"Can you calm down!" Nalan Yue walked over and glared at the two of them.

Then I took out the kraft paper map from before, and smeared it with a special potion. Soon, the potion soaked through the paper, and some lines, contours, and proportions began to appear!

Draw the entire snow mountain on paper.

The two brats were not noisy at this time, they came over to watch like curious babies.

Feng Chu cried out in surprise, and rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment, "It turns out that this is really a map! It really shocked this baby to death!"

Nalan Yue rolled his eyes at him, and continued to apply the potion on the net.

"Where's that old man?" Feng Chu glanced around, the old man's booth had disappeared, and the white snow mountain was empty.

Uh, no one else!Just the three of them.

Nalan Yue hung the map in her hand to dry, and replied flatly, "Of course they're gone as the items are sold out!"

Feng Chu touched the back of his head again, and said "Oh".

(End of this chapter)

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