Chapter 316 The Vicious Blue Heart

And at the same time - in another part of the snow mountain, in a dark cave.

Three people were lying on the uneven ground, one of them was a girl with a baby face, and her clothes were disheveled.

If Nalan Yue were here, she would definitely recognize her as Luo Zhenzhen who disappeared just now and her two friends!
And standing next to her was a woman wearing a white gauze fringed skirt, her pretty face was covered by a veil, her pair of watery eyes were extremely holy and filled with a trace of compassion, like a fairy who would save the world.

She is Lan Xin'er!

After chasing and killing Nalan Yue again and again, she escaped again and again, not to mention how angry she was!

What's more, Brother Ye actually blocked that heart-biting arrow for her... How could she not be jealous!

This time, I inadvertently found out that this trash is actually participating in the imperial city competition, heh... Isn't this just the chance to get rid of her!
Lan Xin'er sneered, her pretty face was ferocious, and her eyes were full of jealousy and hatred.

Glancing at Luo Zhenzhen who was like a dead dog on the ground, she raised the corners of her mouth cruelly.

He took out a pill and stuffed it in Luo Zhenzhen's mouth, squeezed her chin tightly, forcing her to swallow it.

There was a reason for saving her!

As for the two accomplices of Luo Zhenzhen next to her, Lan Xin'er pointed her fingers in the air, and a man in black half-kneeled respectfully on the ground.

"Drag on, just don't let them die!" Lan Xin'er pointed at the two teenagers lying on the ground with her plain finger.

The man in black immediately picked up the two unconscious teenagers without any pressure, and flew out of the cave.

Lan Xin'er kept staring at Luo Zhenzhen who was lying on the ground, a cold light flashed in her eyes.

She wasn't sure if Brother Ye had found out it was her the last time she shot the Heart-Eating Arrow, so this time she wanted to borrow a knife to kill someone, and by the way, set the blame on her!

Heh... fighting with this saint, you are all a little tender!
Realm is worthy of being the holy place for elixir and alchemists, Luo Zhenzhen, who was on the verge of death, woke up slowly after one shot of elixir.

Luo Zhenzhen was at a loss for a moment, then seemed to remember something in a flash, with his arms wrapped around his chest, covering the clothes that had been torn to pieces by the snowman monster.

The big crystal eyes were burning with raging anger, how could they hate Nalan Yue!
At this moment - "Do you want to kill Nalan Yue?" The woman's melodious voice sounded, as crisp as rain falling on plantains.

Luo Zhenzhen was startled, and shrank abruptly, obviously because of being chased by the snowman and monster before, the shadow in his heart fell.

She looked towards the source of the voice, saw that it was a strange woman, she breathed a sigh of relief but immediately became alert again!

"Who are you!" Luo Zhenzhen leaned against the wall and asked tentatively, "You saved me?"

At that time, she didn't know anything after hearing only a violent explosion!

Lan Xin'er nodded indifferently, looked down at her condescendingly, and said word by word, "Do you want to kill Nalan Yue?"

Luo Zhenzhen immediately gritted her teeth and bit her lower lip, "Of course I want to kill, but she has..." Young Master Feng and Young Master Meng are there!

Lan Xin'er interrupted her, "As long as you think about it, nothing else matters!"

Luo Zhenzhen looked at her, nodded heavily, and clenched his fingers fiercely.

If Nalan Yue can die, then what if he cooperates with this unknown woman in front of him!

Lan Xin'er successfully hooked the corners of her lips, and threw her the same white dress and veil as she was wearing.

"Put on well!" The soft voice concealed a hint of chill.

(End of this chapter)

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