Chapter 330 The Slut Appears
The back became empty in an instant, and you could see a deep cliff that could not be seen to the bottom from under the fallen plank!

With the speed at which these bridge plates were coming off, she had to pick up her pace.

Nalan Yue pursed her lips hard, and continued to walk forward.

A bridge plate falls every few steps!
Already 400 meters!

Thick mist suddenly gathered around, the green hills are far away, and the smoke is curling up. At this moment, it looks more like a landscape painting!

Can't see the way ahead, can't see the rear, it makes people's scalp numb for no reason.

But Nalan Yue directly closed her eyes, the sense of fear naturally became less when she couldn't see, and she didn't go back to thinking about it!

Although the eyes are closed, the pace is getting faster and faster!
Soon it will be 500 meters, halfway through!

There were no illusions either!
Nalan Yue stabilized her mind, and was about to continue walking, when a clear and melodious laugh like a silver bell suddenly appeared in her ear.

Nalan Yue's whole body was shocked, this voice...she, she will never forget it!

In modern times, the third sister she adopted and killed herself, the third child in the ghost hand organization!

No, no, it's not that all of her is just an illusion to confuse people's souls!
right!That's it!

Nalan Yue bit her lip tightly, the pain could bring clarity to her mind, without being disturbed by her surroundings!

Lift your feet and keep going!

After walking about 50 meters, the laughter lingering in my ears became more and more sharp, and the sharpness made people feel chills in the bottom of my heart!

Nalan Yue bit her lip again, her pale pink lips turned bright red from the bite, and blood flowed out slowly.

Don't be fooled, it's all fake!It's all fake!Fake!
Inside the phoenix bracelet, several little guys crawled on the window in the space and looked outside, secretly cheering Nalanyue up again!
The master is awesome, we praise you!
Nalan Yue couldn't help but smirked, and continued to walk forward. At this time, she had already walked 600 meters!

There are still 400 meters to go!

Then you can go out to find the Yemen God, and you can still live the inheritance of the illusion senior!
come on!Nalan Moon!

Lift your feet and walk forward unswervingly. Now every step you take seems to weigh a thousand catties, and it takes a lot of strength to lift your steps.

Nalan Yue's head was covered with sweat at this time, and her water-blue sky-like skirt stuck to her body, highlighting her graceful figure.

It was as if hundreds of kilograms of stones had been stuffed into the whole body, making it impossible to move an inch, and the speed at which the rear bridge plate fell was getting faster and faster!
There is that familiar and hateful magic sound ringing around!

Nalan Yue gritted her teeth, trying to forcefully suppress the hatred rising up in her heart.

How could that person be here!
She must still be in modern times, and she has successfully obtained the position of the boss killer of her dreams, and she is probably still showing off her might!

Nalan Yue smiled ironically, lifted her heavy feet vigorously, and walked forward mechanically.

350 meters left!
At this moment, a figure of a graceful woman suddenly appeared in the circle of eyes. She was very pure and clean, like the sunshine in the afternoon, with a light and pleasant smile.

It must be hard for you to imagine that such a gentle and elegant woman, who is as gentle as April in the world, would have such a vicious heart!
The woman was walking towards her slowly, her voice was gentle, like a glass of boiled water, "Sister, long time no see!"

Nalan Yue was stunned as if she had been struck by thunder, it was her!It's really her!
That bitch who killed himself!

For a moment, Nalan Yue's heart was full of strong hatred and killing intent!
(End of this chapter)

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