Chapter 334 Another Mysterious Grandpa

From the eyes of the little guys in the space, Nalan Yue actually turned around on the magic bridge and walked towards the place where the bridge board fell.

It was about to be stepped on empty - the little guys couldn't help being deeply speechless, the master, what the hell is this swollen!
The rhythm of short-sightedness!Well, this is another illusion!
"Calm down! This is definitely not the Yemen God", the small dagger in his hand cut Nalan Yue's palm with the sharp blade.

Immediately, thick blood flowed from her hand, and the little dagger accepted everything with an attitude of not wasting!

In fact, little dagger kid, your real purpose of cutting the palm of little witch Yueyue is here!

So convenient to drink blood to relieve hunger!
Little Dagger: Who said that!Drag it out and kill it!It is obvious that the family is trying to save the master!

It's for love and peace!I understand!
It is said that the ten fingers connect to the heart, and the pain in the hand made Nalan Yue's eyes brighten up, like the first ray of sunshine in the morning.

It was so bright that people dared not look directly at it, and even Ye Jin couldn't help but change his expression in the illusion.

Fortunately, at 0 seconds, she quickly stretched her feet over, and she fell off the cliff just a little bit ago!

This is simply too dangerous!

But that fake Ye Jin was still bewitching her, "Yue'er, come here quickly..."

Nalan Yue is now awake, completely awake, how could she be fooled by him!
Directly stabbing at him with a small dagger, fuck you, you dare to look like her night male god, I can't stand it anymore!
To be honest, with his handsome face of Yemen God, she really couldn't do it for a while!

Nalan Yue immediately yelled, "Show your true colors, don't be cowed like a coward!"

Following Nalan Yue's aggressive method, the original scene of desert solitary smoke and corpses strewn across the field gradually dispersed like smoke.

There is still a thick white mist all around, hazy, and I can't see anything clearly.

At this time, only a loud and clear laughter came slowly - "Ha... the little girl is still interested in positioning!".

In the middle of the sky, an old man with white hair and a childlike face appeared. He was indifferent all over, but he was comparable to the master of the system!
System guru: Please don't compare me with messy people!

"You are..." Nalan Yue was taken aback by his sudden appearance, and frowned.

Maybe he is the master of this magic bridge, so she did everything before that?
Oh, I'm so bored, play like this!

But there is one thing she can't understand, that is, the lonely smoke in the desert just now is like the scene of the world war.

It's not that the Magic Bridge will magnify the fear in people's hearts, but such a scene does not exist in her memory!

Then why did it appear, and she didn't know the woman who bloomed like a crabapple!
How strange!
The old man with a childlike face and hefa was grinning, he looked like an old urchin, "You little girl, you still need to practice your temperament, but you are already very good at your age!"

"And you have to remember that if you don't have distracting thoughts and desires, you can be strong. As long as you strengthen your confidence and walk steadily on the road, you will go to the next level!"

"You have passed the magic bridge!"

Saying that, the old grandfather with a childlike face and hefa floated away~ like a gust of wind, as if he had never appeared before.

"Uh...don't go!" Nalan Yue was suddenly depressed, she still had a lot of questions to ask!

 The author said: The eighth update is over ~ wave your little hand good night!
  Thank you Xiaoyuanzi, Mimi, shallow love is not sad, and the rewards of the three friends ~ ok~

(End of this chapter)

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