Chapter 353 Good character is born

Because Nalan Yue was buried in his arms, she didn't see the man's bloodlust.

So much so that she didn't know the ridiculous scene later, and then...she admired her night male god more and more!

Because, that would be too bad!

And Feng Chu and Meng Luo, who had just chased back, saw such a scene of showing affection again, and couldn't help covering their faces.

Big brother and big sister, can you stop abusing single dogs, I really can't afford to hurt you!

Out of the corner of Nalan Yue's eyes, she caught sight of two beautiful boys, who hurriedly struggled out of Ye Jin's arms.

Hoho... so shy!

Reader: "It turns out that Little Witch Yueyue is also shy... Is it going to rain rainbows?"

Ye Jin hugged her waist tightly, Nalan Yue couldn't run away, so she could only stare at him.

Didn't you see anyone? Hurry up and let go!

Ye Jin cast a doting look on her, as if to say - you can treat them as not human!
But Nalan Yue actually understood it. Her clear eyes swept across Ye Jin's handsome face, and then she looked at the two beautiful boys sympathetically.

With such bad friends, tsk tsk, it's better not to comment!
Feng Chu and Meng Luo blinked innocently, but with a feeling of being puzzled, what kind of electricity is shining in the eyes of these two people!
And the hand around the waist!
Roar... can you restrain yourself!
However, if the two of them knew about the previous conversation between Nalan Yue and Ye Jin, they would probably kneel down properly, so why not treat them as human beings!
Ye Jin's cool realization landed on the faces of the two of them, and a cold arc formed around his lips.

Immediately, Feng Chu and Meng Luo hurriedly looked away from Nalan Yue, laughing one after another.

"Sister-in-law Yueyue, are you okay?"

"Sister-in-law Xiaoyue'er, where are you these days? We've been looking for you."

Feng Chu and Meng Luo said each word with concern in their eyes.

Looking at their clothes covered in wind and snow, Nalan Yue knew how the two of them looked for her before.

With a smile on his face, his eyes sparkled, he asked back, "Do you think something is wrong with me?"

"That's right!" Feng Chu laughed dryly and rubbed his forehead, his peach eyes were full of smiles.

Woohoo, he finally doesn't have to feel so guilty!
Meng Luo frowned, and asked with concern and curiosity, "Sister-in-law Yue'er, where have you been?"

He also knew things that Nalan Yue couldn't find on the locator.

This also clearly shows that Nalan Yue must have gone to some very special place!
Feng Chu also came over, blinking those charming peach blossom eyes curiously.

"Well..." Nalan Yue raised her chin, and elongated the ending with a half-smile, "It's just that I accidentally entered the illusion!"

Feng Chu and Meng Luo were stunned. Illusion?
Wow, what an awesome place!Did it just happen by accident?Still "just"?
Oh, how could they not have such good luck!
"Sister-in-law, you have such a good character! Meng Luo shook his head lightly, his wise eyes were filled with dumbfounding!
"It's more than good!" Feng Chu added from the side, "This is so good that I have no friends!"

Nalan Yue hooked her lips, "No way, this person is born with good character!"

Feng Chu and Meng Luo: "..."

Sister-in-law, if you just say that we are envious of not coming, it will be fine!
Here, Ye Jin glanced at the two of them impatiently, and said in a cool voice, "You can get out now!"

Hmph, I won't mention Xiaoyue'er who didn't protect him well, and now I still want to disturb him and Xiaoyue'er's love ~ love!

This is simply intolerable!
(End of this chapter)

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