Chapter 359 Ask the proctor for an answer
Ye Jin's pupils shrank, and he looked coldly at the two brats who were striding forward.

Feng Chu was stunned by this gaze, and he laughed dryly, but suddenly his face turned sad.

Obviously Ye Jiu gave them to the snow mountain which is still in the ice and snow, and now they are showing affection, so I can't complain about it!

Showing three times a day, isn't this greedy for being single?However, all of this is the author's fault... We want sister paper!sister paper!sister paper!

The author sneered: "The girl must be a little bit, I'm afraid you won't be able to conquer it by then!"

Nalan Yue was slightly embarrassed by the previous incident, coughed lightly, and waved at the two of them, "Hurry up and hand in the task, the time is about to end!"

Everyone was reminded by Nalan Yue, and they immediately reacted, and sure enough—the hourglass on the screen for counting the time was almost at the bottom.

It's all trouble, but we can't delay the business!
The two brats immediately stepped forward and confirmed the task in front of the screen.

The progress bar is already full, Fengchu is four stars!

Monroe is also four stars!

Feng Chu narrowed his eyes half-closed, scanned the star ratings of Sweeping Yejiu and Nalan Yue, and immediately swears, "Damn, six stars! This system can't be wrong!"

Meng Luo was also puzzled, and his wise eyes became more research-oriented.

Obviously they also know that the highest star rating in the system is only five stars!
Nalan Yue put her arms around her arms, and glanced at the two of them with a half-smile, "It's a good character!"

Feng Chu pulled a long face, very sad, "Then why are Xiao Mencius and I only four stars, this character is too bad!"

Woooo~ They don't want six stars, so at least they should give five stars to comfort them!

Nalan Yue Buzao shrugged, he was more miserable than a child!
Ye Jin threw a deserved look at the two of them.

Over there, the national teacher who was drinking tea put down his cup greatly, raised his eyes and looked at the faces of Feng Chu and Meng Luo, the silver masks shone with light.

The voice was light, as if there were no waves on the surface of the sea, "The system didn't judge that you were cheating, so you should be laughing!"

A small half of the tasks that Feng Chu and Meng Luo completed before were due to Nalan Yue!
Feng Chu naturally remembered asking Xiaoyue'er's sister-in-law about Binglinghua before, and immediately touched the back of her head in embarrassment.

Woohoo...he doesn't dare to despise the system anymore!
However, if it's about cheating, Nalan Yue is the biggest one!
Nalan Yue immediately crossed her arms and glanced at the Grand Master with a half-smile.

On the other hand, the National Teacher was very calm, without a trace of guilt, his eyes fell lightly on her face, giving her a calm look.

Well, the national teacher is still the one who helped you cheat!
Look, he said before that he should be awarded the best tutor certificate!

Meng Luo looked indifferent and shrugged.

Anyway, it doesn't matter how many stars there are, but Nalan Yue's burst of six stars really made him very curious!
But no matter how hard he thought about it, he couldn't figure out that it was related to Nalan Yue's blood...

——Special line for abuse of scum——

Now that the task has been confirmed, it should be the second round of competition!
"What's the second round of exam?" Nalan Yue looked at the national teacher and asked meanly.

The two brats next to me looked surprised, girl, is it really okay for you to ask the invigilator so directly about the second round of competition?

In particular, I asked the biggest invigilator!
The corners of Ye Jin's lips curled up dotingly, as if her Xiaoyue'er asked any questions for granted, even if she asked the invigilator for answers!

(End of this chapter)

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